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Motherboard problem

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--- Quote from: Gob on August 28, 2012, 05:04:36 pm ---There is no button on my motheboard :/

--- End quote ---
Im not computer expert, but I think he meant taking out clock battery for 5- 10 mins, and put it back, so it resets all settings i bios, also it might be problem with cables, try to push them in, and look if its not hard disc problem (mine pc loaded so slowly, because of the h-disc, (bios etc) so I got it changed and its back quite fast :P).

Doesn't going in the BIOS menu and reseting everything to default do the job? I also noticed that it does this only when my computer is off for long time.

Inasmuch as you saying you did nothing to clocking your device...
I have only one question. How old is your PC?
Maybe it's really time to change BIOS battery for new one?

Remove CMOS battery, then put it back. No guarantees.

Googled a bit and in many cases (when no overclocking done) the reason was poorly connected component or PSU not providing enough power. So you could try to remove and install all components again and try different PSU.

You could also check your motherboard's manual for instructions to reset your BIOS properly.


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