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Your Combat Style

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RT and TB are great, but I prefer RT because that's what helps in Town Control :D

Real time just because it helps keep the A.I. from taking two minutes to make a decision.

Also I forgot to ask: what does selecting "Both" in the options do? I never did try on either of my sessions.


--- Quote from: craig_christ11 on August 28, 2012, 04:57:03 am ---Also I forgot to ask: what does selecting "Both" in the options do? I never did try on either of my sessions.

--- End quote ---

RT you don't encounter TB
TB you don't encounter RT
Both You play rt but can encounter both

rt is for faction pussies that really believe there own max hp bg DPS builds standing there blasting away at others till they run out of superstim packs is actually "tactical".  TB allows for use of cover and a wider variety of builds (not just tanks) to be viable.  TB is more relaxed and SF battles with walls can be very entertaining.  But unfortunately only rt is realistically compatible with TC.  But the more the devs favor pvp apes (they do kinda make the hardcore population) and cater to their game mechanic whims by nerfing crit burts, etc,. the more the odds are skewed into there playstyle.  Personally TB is better PvE with some exceptions (*cough* geckos in tb sucks, ghouls in tb sucks *cough*) and a good TB pvp battle where it doesn't just matter who shoots first (he who shoots first tends to shoot last) is hard to beat.  That's my opinion and you can print it!  BTW if they remove TB I wouldn't ever have played this game nor would I ever play it, now or in the future. TLA? is slow mo rt and sucks donkey dicks.


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