Other > Suggestions

Destroy and or upgrade faction bases

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Or simply make Bases lvl 1 , lvl 2 , lvl 3 each with x-times more materials.
- with more parking places or with underground or ...

The easiest way is to add the new bases , one with a lot of parking places , one small base, or underground base ... i prefer map like tent map but with terminal and small underground :)


since demolition isnt free action same as construction itself. It would be nice to see guy resbonsible for demolition of usless constructions. He should stand next to one providing construction workers and he should charge similar amount in caps.

It doesn't seem unrealistic to require less caps in order to destroy the base, than to build it.

the underground:
ive worked on construction and demo sites; it really does take a lot more work to build that to destory, but the cleanups a lot easier on builds than cleanup.
but it the end, demos still WAAAAAY easier than building.


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