Other > General Game Discussion

Cant play

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Spotty- I downloaded that and it works now! I can play the game!

Thank you both for all of the help and patience. I appreciate this a great deal. And again, thank you!

Alec Ramsey:
im now having this problem. 

i just installed this on my laptop.  i followed what delta did, only its not working for me. :'(

any ideas?

Go on chat.forestnet.org then type you're user name and in channel #thelastlight there are some decent guys in there who will help specaily a guy challed racoon who really good with computers.

Alec there was a update last night try updateing your client, also make sure on the fo2238config , datafiles the mastersat and critter day are there and then the host on the foconfig is port 2238 find this in net, then update


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