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Nerf Brahmin shoveling, Really?!!?

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No, but I don't see why I should care that it's harder for you to throw shits.
Also I have no idea who you are in game, except maybe the character with same name you use on forum if it's you.

--- Quote ---nope it annoys 1 person who is a new developer must be removed ruin it for all!
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I don't see how whole towns covered in shit with pulsating outline is a good thing but your activity on server isn't a reason for any change in pens.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on August 21, 2012, 08:01:48 am ---No, but I don't see why I should care that it's harder for you to throw shits.
Also I have no idea who you are in game, except maybe the character with same name you use on forum if it's you.

I don't see how whole towns covered in shit with pulsating outline is a good thing but your activity on server isn't a reason for any change in pens.

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--- Quote from: JovankaB on August 21, 2012, 07:06:14 am ---Cool story. I think I'm going to get rid of the red outline shits somehow. Anyway...

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I was replying to this. Unless some how you were refering to something else I would prefer to at least enjoy one thing that makes me laugh every time picking up brahmin shit by hand in pens (which are in pvp towns I might add) and throw it around it around in the PvP towns.

Look I do not blindly support every idea a developer comes up with, this game has made me rage alot and I mean alot. I just think brahmins knocking down people with the possibility to kill them is not something a noob would enjoy. You want to keep players around yes? As GN13 always say, that is a possible donator that you drove away because of a game feature that has the possibility to make somebody quit after playing the game for 2 minutes.

I think its hilarious a veteran player still shoveling brahmin shit for caps. I think the himulation of people claiming pro shoveling brahmin shit for caps is enough punishment than being annoyed and saying they shouldn't.

Brahmin getting mad on picking up is a bug.

Anyway the red outline will go, one way or another.
It's just bad, it looks ugly and during events I had reports that it slows down client.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on August 21, 2012, 08:23:10 am ---I think its hilarious a veteran player still shoveling brahmin shit for caps. I think the himulation of people claiming pro shoveling brahmin shit for caps is enough punishment than being annoyed and saying they shouldn't.
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I don't stop anyone from doing it.
I agree current way brahmin react is not optimal, it's WIP but it won't be pure "click and profit" again.
If you try to farm hundreds of shits quickly it will always annoy you I'm afraid.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on August 21, 2012, 08:23:10 am ---Brahmin getting mad on picking up is a bug.

Anyway the red outline will go, one way or another.
It's just bad, it looks ugly and during events I had reports that it slows down client.

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Since when was there brahmin shit at events? The events slow down the client because there is thousands of items laying around from people dying and nobody deletes them!

You just stated this annoys you and you want to remove it becasue YOU find it annoying. When well you realize that you aren't the only person who plays this? So because red outlined brahmin shit annoys you, and is something the average player could give a shit less about (no pun intended) you have to write some bull shit (no pun intended) that this slows down the client? Stack of 1,000 BB's slow down the client that is actually legitimate claim than 20-30 brahmin shit thrown around in towns for lolz.

You know how many people actually find this feature funny? And actually embrace this game that you can actually throw brahmin shit it is fucking hilarous it doesn't get old. People love to reverse steal brahmin shit in the inventory why take away the fun for others becuase you find it annoying?


--- Quote from: Ville on August 21, 2012, 08:36:32 am ---Since when was there brahmin shit at events?
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There are blockers which have the same red outline if they are visible.

--- Quote from: Ville on August 21, 2012, 08:36:32 am ---YOU find it annoying
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If it wouldn't be annoying you wouldn't be doing it. It's the definition of trolling.

It's ugly. It slows down client. It's annoying. And your arguments are invalid. For me it's end of topic.
Feel free to continue on your own.


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