Other > Closed suggestions

When Warned, Tell Us Why

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I've been banned on irc for 2 years now because they don't have the power to unban me apparently.

Cyber Jesus:
I got banned on irc by Nexxos one year ago for posting tits   ;D

The Lost Children:
I just got this warning for placing the minimum bid on an action....

Holy fuck this forum is shit.

"The Lost Children,

You have received a warning for inappropriate activity. Posting false bids in auctions is not allowed. Please cease these activities and abide by the forum rules otherwise we will take further action.

The FOnline 2238 Forum Team."

then next time read how much the minimum bid is and pay attention to what min raise is.
 i seen this post. the above bid was 12k (which was min start bid)
you posted after that 3k (not even close to the min bid and not over what the last person offerd)

The Lost Children:

--- Quote from: falloutdude on August 17, 2012, 09:51:24 pm ---then next time read how much the minimum bid is and pay attention to what min raise is.
 i seen this post. the above bid was 12k (which was min start bid)
you posted after that 3k (not even close to the min bid and not over what the last person offerd)

--- End quote ---
Minimum was 2k when I posted I believe. And if it wasn't edited, it's the POSTERS fault for typing 12000 like this:   Minimum bid:1 2000


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