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--- Quote from: Roachor on August 15, 2012, 08:36:44 pm ---As someone who has this build and actually has experience with it I can tell you this is pure bullshit. AC isn't as effective as you think and since the update ive seen exactly 0 guns explode while shooting at me and maybe a handful of drop weapons. Stop propagating myths and actually play the game once in a while.

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No i don't over-exaggerate, i played and experienced the effect they have few days ago and i am saying they are too effective, any common build just simply doesn't have the accuracy to hit an armor class character at any reasonable distance, it's few hexes most of the time unless someone leveled up a special build one purpose build to counter another one purpose build witch doesn't have any real purpose behind it rather than just annoy players.

--- Quote from: Solar on August 15, 2012, 08:42:51 pm ---Did anyone suggest jinxed having an effect on AC? If AC is fine and jinxed is fine, then making them not work together seems like an easy fix

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And still having completely naked characters that avoid whole minigun spread bursts?(from few hexes) How that even makes sense.

How does it make sense a guy with a minigun can run or even hold it? How does it make sense someone can burst someone at range with a minigun and have all the bullets hit? How does it make sense that a guy getting hit in the face with a sledgehammer can get the gun between himself and his attacker and shoot? How does it make sense that a guy with a minigun can fire 30 bullets in the same time it takes to fire one sniper round with the same level of accuracy?

That's more a problem of a minigun not really being a weapon that just sprays bullets out, but uses the same (ish) mechanism as a single shot weapon.

Its far less strange to think of a rifle missing a target that is moving quickly

Just await those posts : nerf xx, update yy, "where you've been, we were waiting here!", nerf yy, update xx, also balance xx and yy.

Solar ac is bad because completely gearless player can operate by just making a good build. When death means nothing, gear is all that matters. Being effective without good gear is against the whole system fonline is based on.

Same applies to unarmed, sneaking and crit-based characters. That's why they are generally regarded as "troll chars". It would improve the gameplay tremendously if we could get rid of that kind of characters and force everyone to use gear that's worth looting if they wanted to be effective.


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