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--- Quote from: Swinglinered on September 11, 2012, 02:37:55 pm ---Did they enter with warrant?
May not need one if "clear and present danger"/etc.

If allowed to shoot, they can't necessarily search you- therefore can't admit gun evidence.
Unless on probation you can't fire any gun, legal or not, etc.

Also: where were the lookouts?
Rapid stash-sites for contraband?

Halfway decent measures would have created a "null situation", with nothing (drugs, guns, etc.) "in plain view" upon police arrival.

What's your SPECIAL?
Don't neglect INT!

--- End quote ---

Police in most US states don't need a warrant for anything in the immediate vicinity when they are called to a scene. Also when you're on probation you can't be found in "places of ill repute" like a party where there are drugs. "Ill repute" is intentionally vague and subjective so you can be found in violation of probation if the officer doesn't like you. You also sure as shit cannot have illegal drugs or even be around other people breaking the law when you are on probation. You literally can be found in violation for being pulled over when you have a "felon" with you, even if nobody is currently committing a crime because of fear mongering anti-gang ordinances. Its a bullshit practice to squeeze money out of people with strong odds in favor of being re-incarcerated and incurring even more ridiculous legal fees. The two pistols may have also been illegal under terms of probation or "incorrectly" transported depending on state, age, and CHL status of the defendant. Just being on probation can give an officer probable cause to search anything they feel like in my experience. Really disgusting to see many of you posters contributing to the dehumanizing of people trapped in the US legal system.

This is only mildly better than a YouTube video's comment section. Its a battle between the people busy shouting in caps lock "FUCK THE POLICE AND THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AND THE GOVERNMENT AND..." and the more down to earth people trying to say "He sold drugs and had illegal guns, got paroled, went to a party and proceeded to sell MORE drugs, fire MORE illegal guns and then beat the hell out of the kid who told the Police about it so ya he deserves to go to jail"
If anyone wants my recommendation then abandon this thread now. All that's gonna happen is a flame-war. We don't even know if the guy going to jail is REALLY even going to jail or if he is trolling for attention. Whether he is guilty or not is up to a 12 person Jury, not all you guys. Going all keyboard commando is not going to solve anything or change anyone's mind so forget about it.


--- Quote from: August on December 01, 2012, 08:45:58 pm ---This is only mildly better than a YouTube video's comment section. Its a battle between the people busy shouting in caps lock "FUCK THE POLICE AND THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AND THE GOVERNMENT AND..." and the more down to earth people trying to say "He sold drugs and had illegal guns, got paroled, went to a party and proceeded to sell MORE drugs, fire MORE illegal guns and then beat the hell out of the kid who told the Police about it so ya he deserves to go to jail"
If anyone wants my recommendation then abandon this thread now. All that's gonna happen is a flame-war. We don't even know if the guy going to jail is REALLY even going to jail or if he is trolling for attention. Whether he is guilty or not is up to a 12 person Jury, not all you guys. Going all keyboard commando is not going to solve anything or change anyone's mind so forget about it.

--- End quote ---

All I got from that was MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW

did the guy got out already ? :D i wish there could be topic tracker for topics like this :D more interesting reading than fonline update changelog :D

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