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What would you do incase the world would end in nuclear war?

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Better is to prepare for worldwide economics meltdown.

Very nice survival guide this is and its based on real collapse.


--- Quote from: Hovinko on August 11, 2012, 05:53:03 pm ---LoL.
Better is to prepare for worldwide economics meltdown.

Very nice survival guide this is and its based on real collapse.

--- End quote ---

Fuck man i'm buying a cow and some sheep and I eat cheese and drink milk all day :D


--- Quote from: Surf on August 10, 2012, 05:00:03 pm ---And then? Live in a crappy bunker for the rest of your life, even if the radiation is tolerable what's left on earth to go out there?

--- End quote ---

Only your bunker would be crap, mine would have the Omega Man on DVD :)

Sometimes i think the 2238 forum consists mostly of kids.

Depends, If Im alive or not.
If yes then I would try to not lose mind, go to my vacation house near forest, and try to live here (hunting, fishing, trading). And trying to create new community.


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