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Need A Little Help With A Good PVP Build

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My barter build could probably take on your guy; but seriously it looks like you're aiming for a crafter / combat-lite hybrid. First of all, I'd say pick Bruiser as a trait and push your ST and EN up to 6 each, and grab at least one carry weight perk. With the 2 Action Boys an AP of ten is fine, and you need the carry weight if you want to do any sort of mining (assuming that you don't have the infrastructure to bring a cow into a 100% non-hostile area.)

Another thing is that fast shot doesn't help with guns on burst mode, so you should carefully think about what kind of small guns you're going to use.

There's other issues with this build too if you haven't established yourself yet; send me a pm if you want further opinions.

so what exactly do you wanna do with your build? i made you a TB farmer/crafter. you take BG(1) profession then craft m60's then you have to level a thief to about level 9 to steal 7.62 bullets from khan raiders. HP are a little low on this build, so if you don't like the low HP, try to make 10 EN. this character works with no drugs.

See that:


It's a tank , use psycho and cigs

i just wonder whats max resistance to normal damage, i counted these:
1. 15% for adrenaline rush below 25%HP
2. 15% for both toughnesses
3. 40% for Combat armor
4. 15% for psycho
5.   5% for beer
 total 90% !!!

but you have to be below 25%HP which would be 70HP(if HP pool is 280)

NOW you have 70HP, you get crit bursted for 10%(100-90%) of normal damage.
you can survive 650 crit burst with 70hp on good tank build.

Hmmm, iam sorry for offtopic


--- Quote from: greenthumb on August 10, 2012, 05:02:18 pm ---i just wonder whats max resistance to normal damage, i counted these:
1. 15% for adrenaline rush below 25%HP
2. 15% for both toughnesses
3. 40% for Combat armor
4. 15% for psycho
5.   5% for beer
 total 90% !!!

but you have to be below 25%HP which would be 70HP(if HP pool is 280)

NOW you have 70HP, you get crit bursted for 10%(100-90%) of normal damage.
you can survive 650 crit burst with 70hp on good tank build.

Hmmm, iam sorry for offtopic

--- End quote ---
Mister Sherlock, one ap rocket and you're blown away.


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