I dont doubt you can lvl to 99lvl easily, but not everybody will do power lvling.
Anyway, that doesnt matter - its about need for alts. Now we make alts because we can't manage without them,
but the subject is about how to avoid alting - if you can do everything by one char, you wont be doing alts (well, if crafting system will come back to no-cooldown).
You may say that - "come on, fallout is about rarity, fu, chars cant do everything, they're not superheroes". But, lets be honest, if you dont have one char that can do many things, you get many chars that can do one specific thing. Simple truth, and thats exactly what is everybody doing. Whats the difference overall except you got much more effort in lvling army of alts, then relogin to Crafter5?

If you will have universal character you can do much things by one char which means you will be more recognizable by other players, allows you to identify with one nick ingame which is called Role Play.
If you will do something bad - someone will tag you red and then, lets say, dont trade with you in future. If you help somebody, you will be tagged green and it may be useful for you if you will be in troubles and so on and so on.
You're begin to start some kind of "mark", good or bad, serial murderer or savior, not only to your forum/gang friends, but also for players who dont use IRC/forum or just dont recognize you ingame.
And, if we get for ex. +1HP after 24lvl for lvl, you're not overpowered in compare to other players - you get 75extra hp, which is significant amount, but dont give you super-uber powers. That will prevent people from abusing that feature and focusing only on getting 99lvl first, and then playing. There will be actually no need for fast lvling to go into PvP and win the battle.
Also, there could be some perk called "re-roll" to allows you to change some part of your build(one perk, SPECIALS, tag?), since if you realize on 43rd lvl (or 88th) you've made wrong build and you're going wrong way.. well.

(but thats just my idea, got pissed off in every session by making build before i know whats going on game mechanics in actual session and being obligate to make another one :DD)