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Let's talk about bald people now.

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By the way tomorrow today there's gonna be wipe on TLAmk2, two weeks of test session and then real action starts.

--- Quote from: 7MeN on August 03, 2012, 11:09:49 pm --- "hates Russians"

--- End quote ---

In my country some 10 years ago the social status between my nationality and russians was quite tight, so i had a very interesting childhood environment to grow up where both sides being kids invaded each own turf from time to time to settle down their national hate with knuckles. Eventually both sides growing out of it, of course.

Trust me, none here really hates russians, in matter of fact don't even know what it's like to. That's just a sign of immaturity if someones says so.

--- Quote from: Tomowolf on August 04, 2012, 12:56:23 am ---Russians are cool.

--- End quote ---

They really are. :)

I kinda adore the russian way of thinking and handling stuff. Didn't meet many russians ingame, but the ones I met either killed me on sight or were very friendly. It also bears mention that some of them spoke better english than some people I know from the USA. So, yeah, fuck stereotypes. :)

I can only speculate if thats what the french thought about the germans at one time :)
Or that we might think about our chinese overlords.....

Really nice guys *whip crack*  I love them....

This thread has become my favorite. Love you guys.

PS I am Russian.

Russians are OK and sometime cool, I tend to accept most people as friendly, anyways...


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