Other > Closed suggestions
Wondering Aiming
Johnny Nuclear:
--- Quote from: Lordus on March 16, 2010, 12:34:01 am --- I suggest add 2 seconds of waiting time between click on enemy and first burts by minigun. The gun must get ready to fire position, circle all barrels.... .
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--- Quote from: Lordus on March 16, 2010, 10:12:27 am --- i did not mean it seriously.. johny n is natural biggunner and he hates if any sniper kills him, because he dont want to understand, that snipers have knockdowns and knockouts in oposite of 3 bursts per round by biggunner.
so i add nonsense suggestion in respons of his nonsense suggestion.
i prefer shortcuts which you can use as i sniper.. you will have to use more than one click bigguners, so they will still have advantage on their side.
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No flame here please just my react for Lordus attack.
Being knocked out "n" killed from nowhere is a bit sad imo. U forgot how u and other 2 VSBs were killed by 1 sniper ? You really think its harder to burst someone than Snipe him to eyes from 50 Hexes ?If u made only few Knock outs from your sniper.. its not my problem u have bad sniper. about 3 bursts.. 2jet sniper have 2 eyeshots per turn. But u know we are arguing about that all time and I really dont know why u atatcked me here. This my post here which u furiously attacked was only about Aim bots and how to balance imperceptible cheaters with ..**==>REGULAR FAIR Fonline players<==**.. using simulated Targeting (clicking) delay. It needn't be 1 sec, it can be 0,5....
PS: Johnny N , Big "J", double "n" ,and big "N" for Nuclear.
stop flame or lock, get back please to subject, : fallout tactics like aiming can be added or cannot ?
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