Other > Suggestions

Improved suicide command

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this useless on me but maybe useful if I stick on bug and need quick escape

It's a good solution, this way people can ragequit faster. "HH? FUG DIS GAME" *suicides*


Mike Crosser:

But yeah the suggestion is good(I can already see the mass suicides in NCR)


--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on April 04, 2013, 11:34:38 am ---
But yeah the suggestion is good(I can already see the mass suicides in NCR)
--- End quote ---
Do you really need to use a picture nine times the size of the rest of your post to point out something completely irrelevant to the matter at hand, and not even accurate as the term "necrobumping" used properly only applies to trolls reviving old threads for their personal amusement?

I guess you do. Oh, well.

Thank you for supporting Improved Suicide Command.


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