Other > Suggestions

Improved suicide command

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--- Quote from: JovankaB on July 30, 2012, 03:27:39 am ---Personally I would like suicide but with longer respawn time, sending you to a random respawn (even if you have a hotel room) and maybe not possible when you are in combat (TB or RT cooldown).

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Awesome idea!  I would love to catch you out in a TB battle incap and then idle till you cry :)  Pure joy and fun!

Sounds like we'd have a new experimental (read, bugged) feature that could be abusable as fuck. Better is to hire a few more GMs so players can get help ideally at all times.

Better is to fix bugs so players don't need help  :)


--- Quote from: Eternauta on July 30, 2012, 03:54:58 am ---Sounds like we'd have a new experimental (read, bugged) feature that could be abusable as fuck. Better is to hire a few more GMs so players can get help ideally at all times.

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It will not be a new feature, it will be a slightly improved version of a feature that we already have, and there is absolutely no way of abusing it.

And as for GMs... try and summon a GM to fix your broken limbs, quickly teleport you to the respawn point, or help you drop your loot on the floor, and see what happens. Plus, more GMs means nothing other than even more GM abuse; if anything, we should reduce the number of game masters, but that's a subject for another discussion.


--- Quote from: Stration on July 30, 2012, 10:26:06 am ---try and summon a GM to fix your broken limbs, quickly teleport you to the respawn point, or help you drop your loot on the floor, and see what happens. Plus, more GMs means nothing other than even more GM abuse; if anything, we should reduce the number of game masters, but that's a subject for another discussion.

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Are you serious? Man I didn't know GMs were supposed to heal your crippled limbs or help you drop loot. The moar you know...


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