Other > Suggestions

Improved suicide command

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--- Quote from: Stration on July 28, 2012, 10:33:31 am ---But... you just did exactly that.

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I meant friends or skill, but yes, pick what suits you.

Just dont introduce random respawns, it cost us considerable amount whining to have them fixed again.


--- Quote from: Kilgore on July 28, 2012, 08:24:12 pm ---Putting limits on suicide command. Oh gosh, how retarded can you actually get.

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Thinking is not your strong point i guess, example, town control in gecko and my character is in broken hills and taxi is not present, drop gear and ~suicide to rearm in gecko base and be there faster. That's nothing major, but i don't expect you to understand, not you.

Yeah, I think that it makes ~suicide a totally overpowered feature, especially for such smart kids like you, kid.

I just voted "NO"  ;D

Personally I would like suicide but with longer respawn time, sending you to a random respawn (even if you have a hotel room) and maybe not possible when you are in combat (TB or RT cooldown).


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