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I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Diminishing xp adds nothing to this game but pointless grinding.
i like open PvP coz killing newbies and watch them cry, makes me feel better ;D
--- Quote from: Roachor on March 16, 2010, 06:20:52 am ---Diminishing xp adds nothing to this game but pointless grinding.
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simple solution: don't treat this game as a Grind-Fest. Fallout was not suppose to be: get lvl 21 withing 2 days and join the happy Pvp -craft cycle. :/
--- Quote from: VongJin on March 16, 2010, 06:33:55 am ---i like open PvP coz killing newbies and watch them cry, makes me feel better ;D
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and most people think I think that is bad. It's not. I like to kill people as well and sht, but sometimes I like to put myself in their shoes and the truth is that with current full drop along with open pvp there is a frustration factor that makes dozens of people quit, because they wanted to enjoy the game the way they liked it. It's impossible, because people like you :P Carry on, but some changes in the system could have been made long ago to prevent people from quitting so oftenly and to reduce crafting time consumption at one shot
--- Quote from: Drakonis on March 16, 2010, 12:05:45 pm ---simple solution: don't treat this game as a Grind-Fest. Fallout was not suppose to be: get lvl 21 withing 2 days and join the happy Pvp -craft cycle. :/
and most people think I think that is bad. It's not. I like to kill people as well and sht, but sometimes I like to put myself in their shoes and the truth is that with current full drop along with open pvp there is a frustration factor that makes dozens of people quit, because they wanted to enjoy the game the way they liked it. It's impossible, because people like you :P Carry on, but some changes in the system could have been made long ago to prevent people from quitting so oftenly and to reduce crafting time consumption at one shot
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I like that maps of big towns are merged into one. It's purely awesome.
--- Quote from: VongJin on March 16, 2010, 06:33:55 am ---i like open PvP coz killing newbies and watch them cry, makes me feel better ;D
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I like to kill people like VongJin.
Nothing more is satisfying as killing someone trying to kill you and watching them being pissed off, like immature schoolboys they are.
Moreso, if they get racistic. ;D
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