Other > Off-topic discussions
The Ultimate Showdown
My cat wins the cuteness competition.
And my dog is cooler.
So cool it sleeps on the bed.
So yeah. I do believe we have won this competition. /thread
p.s. Those specific cats stay cute forever, you know how your other cats is like.. 40% to 50% way through growing? yeah, that's where they stop growing.
Mr Feltzer:
--- Quote from: Dark Angel on July 26, 2012, 08:58:24 pm ---My cat :-*
Winterfresh 8)
--- End quote ---
I Smell Cat PVP Between Henry and your Cat..
David vs Goliath:
--- Quote from: Mr Feltzer on July 29, 2012, 11:19:55 am ---I Smell Cat PVP Between Henry and your Cat..
--- End quote ---
She has a look of a cold blooded killer, your sappy Henry would have no chance I'm afraid.
My father brought him from the army. He's name is Tomas. He was the best pet I ever had.
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