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Stealing is nerfed

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5mm ap and mfc was wastelan currency. banks are broken, quests are nerfted, shopers have shit, crafting is nerfted and now stealing.
now tell me devs where people can get ss for pvp? craft? hmmm..no they cant because there is no hq chems and there is no med workbench. well maby shops...ups they are buying only drugs and radios. and what wilth others drugs? same history. well this update just showed how devs know little about their game.
i didnt wanted to farm shit i just sold some mfc and 5mm and i had ma mk2, laser rifles, ap rockets and cash. ss for drugs and i was happy few h stealing and i had all what i needed. now devs want to force people to dig (cd for ores) and cratf (cd for crafting) and run with stims in pvp. well another great idea of low tech 2238. why not give them only ma and clj and 10mm guns and spears...in mad max 1hobo with shotgun was like rambo.
good job devs and i am glad i didnt come back ;]

jacky you are wrong when you think ss is not craftable.



--- Quote from: greenthumb on July 23, 2012, 01:47:26 pm ---jacky you are wrong when you think ss is not craftable.


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They're craftable but 3 chemical components makes it not practical, and makes it a waste of time. And why we resorted to theives to get our super stims. Best you can do is craft 3 super stims with this, but I already made a suggestion about this. Competing with 200 other players who all have the ability to fast log and resource hog chemical components and going to necropolis really draws us in to to craft these. So basically right now anybody who is going to craft these well most likely get the resource depleted message and maybe 1 person well get lucky and get the chemical components, then after traveling to new reno then to vault city/san francisco then all way down to necropolis to craft 3 super stim packs. I do not think this was thought out very well when they decided the changes to super stimpack crafting, and why I think we should have last session's super stimpack recipe back.

A PK friendly location makes up for the difficulty of making these, so I think at least change it where we can craft 100 if we wish but have to take the risk of getting killed and losing everything to trolls and pkers. Traveling across the wasteland to make 3 super stimpacks is not really my idea of fun.

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: jacky. on July 23, 2012, 01:07:30 pm --- i am glad i didnt come back ;]

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Wait wait wait wait!
You are not even playing the goddamn game?
So what are you doing here? Trying to do some last minute trolling before posting a ragequit thread with an alt?
Seriously,get a life.

I've tried crafting Superstims once. Once. Stealing was much faster and more efficient.

--- Quote from: jacky. on July 23, 2012, 01:07:30 pm ---i am glad i didnt come back ;]

--- End quote ---
Or did you?
And I have to admit, I'm rather impressed your engrish mad skillz, young padawan.


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