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Stealing is nerfed

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Back to different servers, I guess.  ::)

Don't overexaggerate, your not going anywhere, none is. That is like threating someone for you isn't it?

Players will adapt, evolve, when 5mm starts to run low, players will find a new way how to obtain them, or crafters will finally have some valuable item to make, instead of looting avenger or SS from a dead enemy, you will loot 5mm AP.

Like drugs were such a pain in the ass to craft previous session, especially buffout, though i don't remember someone whining, those items were real valuable. Even at the end of previous session, i was still crafting/buying from traders buffout and hoping that someone sells it on forum, now the current buffout amount for my faction is at least 30k, drugs for an eternity, now where's the fun in that? Same thing goes for 5mm AP ammo, it's so much, there's no value in it.

This community is like a child ...

Action Jack:

--- Quote from: T-888 on July 21, 2012, 12:34:13 pm ---Don't overexaggerate, your not going anywhere, none is. That is like threating someone for you isn't it?

--- End quote ---

This makes about as much sense as the changes in the update.

I've heard players talking about other servers, how they are not going to play 2238, those are just empty words currently. Players will get used to the changes, accept them and keep having fun, there are no other suitable servers for this community right now, and please none is going to quit playing because of some crafting cooldown, everyone played 16 months previous session and most players didn't even imagine how could it be different, not even nerfed stealing is going to make players quit. This is just absurd.

I'd like you to be smart about this, so i can go T-888 on your ass. 8)

Uh, sorry to break it to you, i've played 3 sessions into Requiem, 1 into Goon Haven and TLAmk2, and they fit me pretty well..


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