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New update

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--- Quote from: falloutdude on July 20, 2012, 05:29:19 pm ---devs are supposed to follow what player base wants not stupid shit they think is cool.
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As we are working on it and we ain't getting any payment for our worktime, in fact, we can do what we think is cool.

Just saying.

--- Quote ---would devs on WOW make a update that all players hate? no they would not because thats bad for business
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Yup. But Blizzard wants to exploit money out of WoW. We don't.

Just saying.

--- Quote ---because devs are not listening to us.
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You must be new here.

--- Quote ---only after months and months of bitching do we get what we want.
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You got what you wanted, because we started actively working on the game again. Bitching had - afaik - no influence on it. Realistically seen, I think it just even further increased the slowdown.

--- Quote ---without the players then its just some game that 3-4 guys are working in their basements while fapping and drinking cheap booze.
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Which we still do, with both hands in the air. \o/

Devs are having fun too, specific features can sometimes be in more of interest to implement than let's say some critical hit table or heavy handed.


--- Quote from: Eternauta on July 20, 2012, 05:41:45 pm ---No sense in bringing up this discussion again, Dante. Many members of the community have no respect for devs and their work, and that isn't changing. Don't try to "fix" that with a debate, or you will see things which might be even worse than what you've seen in your visit to Hell with Vergil :D

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Indeed, therefore I am the locking queen today.


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