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TC Zones

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--- Quote from: Wind_Drift on July 20, 2012, 03:55:42 am ---Which would stop the timer.

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But you still wasted your time, your drugs, and revealed your forces and your intention to fight :P


--- Quote from: Crazy on July 20, 2012, 04:50:32 am ---But you still wasted your time, your drugs, and revealed your forces and your intention to fight :P

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I call it conceding to a stronger force.

If they run, you win.


John Porno:
being able to use the whole town as tc area was definitely a plus. I personally didnt see anyone camping any buildings. In fact, Gecko almost makes you camp the reactor which is rather lame and camping FLC in broken hills was also always popular.

i have to agree with posts abovce, thoes tc zones are just way to schematic after 1,5-2 years of playing on same spots. entire map as a zone sounds good for me.. but as lemark said, there is no real goal of keeping city.. its only excuse for some action. what about change a chest reward a little with random stuff ? with possible to lucky roll for some HI-TECH-SHIT like gauss ammo, colour combatarmors, pulse rifles?


--- Quote from: T-888 on July 20, 2012, 02:00:46 am ---Runaway soldiers, that's what we called them, this already happened. Camp near the exit grid, as soon as they see danger, go out, re-enter to attack or just run away. Mostly just run away, and the worst part is you can't do nothing about it, unless with some ridiculous amount of mercenaries and what not.

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Don't want to turn this thread into strategy school, but how about making the enemy believe you're less than them by entering with less people? And then spawn the swarm when the combat is on. It's only logical that enemy will retreat if they are being aproached by swarm.
If tc zones were some sort of deadlocks where you couldn't exit, weaker factions wouldn't even enter. Then there's nobody to fight.


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