It's good for jovs personal growth but beyond that its a meaningless mechanic that affects no one.
I disagree. As far I can tell, after the fix there ARE people shoveling poop in this game.
Also it's a classic 2238 feature and it should work properly ;P
Gameplay-wise it's much more interesting way to get a bit of xp/caps than fetching boxes
from point A to point B. There can be a competition between people, shits appear randomly
and you have to be first to clean the poop. Would be nice to have boxes in similar fashion
IMHO (competitive in some way, not just mechanical clicking two spots for a few minutes).
I would like to make it more interesting, eg if you would clean poop near a brahmin, there
could be a chance that the brahmin will ram into you, knocking you down and damaging
(without engaging combat), so you would have to be more careful in the pens