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Not the most sociable bunch are they?

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What you expected, inteligent discussion about books? Treat it as roleplay. They are roleplaying their bonehead 1int apes which cannot into tree control.


--- Quote from: Rain on July 18, 2012, 02:35:51 pm --- haha well,13yo frustrated babies with uberdruggz builds never changes.You should try Last Light channel,check it in faction announcement section,more friendly environment.

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Yea, if you like to be pushed around by some queenish mommy's child and become a pussy, TLL is the way to go.

--- Quote from: Midknight on July 18, 2012, 03:03:22 pm ---Stration, as i said at the beginning, i am not whining, i enjoy listening to some of those boneheads, and their crazy attempts at conversation, it helps pass the time, i just thought it might be interesting to explore "why" some individuals feel they should dribble like they do :)

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Because its fun. Try to talk shit sometimes too or at least back, some individuals just don't deserve good language.
--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on July 18, 2012, 03:27:55 pm ---What PvP tactics?
You mean:
1.Stand behind wall with minigun

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Sounds like you're one of those who rarely played with or understood the mechanics of PVP. Sad for you. I guess onehexing mobs or 'shoot one time per turn, then walk away' tactics must be incredibly more complex.

Mike Crosser:
Yeah PvP is some complex stuff.
Please tell me does xk+1 = (xk + y / (xk)n-1) / 2 =   rocket hits guy in combat armor or minigun shreads guy in tesla  armor.


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