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Author Topic: Mercs, are unbalanced?  (Read 4232 times)


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Re: Mercs, are unbalanced?
« Reply #30 on: November 15, 2011, 11:24:08 pm »

If you get surrounded by 5 snipers or BG TB builds with high sequence in TB then the only chance you have is server crash :D.
You have still chance. Because u have time to give call for friend who can enter with car to have other position ;)

About Micheal shitty talk
You dont have merc lider with max 3 mercs? Then stop talking bullshit :) Gear is lowest problem and only moron like u go on solo hunt for TB trups huh

So in your little world everyone has TB builds, friends on call 24/7, always with gear, and always with first turn so you aren't dead without chance to do any action.

As if.
So in your little world everyone has Merc builds, friends on call 24/7, always with merc geared, and always will find you without call to go into trap but you still dont have chance to do any action because of instadead from merc :).
Re: Mercs, are unbalanced?
« Reply #31 on: November 15, 2011, 11:41:19 pm »

u have time to give call for friend who can enter with car to have other position ;)
What, your friend can drive half a world before some one makes a turn/pulls a trigger in TB encounter?
That's really stupid game feature!!! D:


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Re: Mercs, are unbalanced?
« Reply #32 on: November 16, 2011, 01:52:53 am »

You have still chance. Because u have time to give call for friend who can enter with car to have other position ;)

About Micheal shitty talk
You dont have merc lider with max 3 mercs? Then stop talking bullshit :) Gear is lowest problem and only moron like u go on solo hunt for TB trups huh
  When the hell am I saying I am hunting TB traps huh? ::)  And what is this dumbshit about merc leader with 3 max mercs that is insanely stupid in it's own right.
So in your little world everyone has Merc builds, friends on call 24/7, always with merc geared, and always will find you without call to go into trap but you still dont have chance to do any action because of instadead from merc :).
I never said everyone needed to have merc builds, you're the one with the idea on friends to call 24/7 so start making sense... not that I don't know you're just a troll with seriously bad grammar, when did I say anything about always having gear?  In fact I said the opposite so you can start reading or quit being a dumbass :), and this next part doesn't make sense whatsoever so I'm not even gonna mention about it...
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Mercs, are unbalanced?
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2011, 05:23:43 pm »

Yea i know i have bad grammar (i dun care much about it actually :o )

I was just saying about u have chance in tb trap compare to merc trap :) and say they are not imba

Most of your shitty talk its that u can't get that

Quote from: moron
When the hell am I saying I am hunting TB traps huh? And what is this dumbshit about merc leader with 3 max mercs that is insanely stupid in it's own right.
Micheal u are too dumb to get it damnit :) It was just saying in TB u have chance because u are not instakilled
So in your little world everyone has TB builds
There is much people who play only in TB and i dont think they will do shitty build for pvp in TB. But u poor dude u dont have friends to know that probably, and when i say "call for help" it mean distress. In merc trap u dont have time to do it ;)

when did I say anything about always having gear?
So in your little world everyone has TB builds, friends on call 24/7, always with gear
Hmm BTW where i said 24/7 ;)? I play with people, not alone like u. Then that argument is invalid ;D

But back to topic

Merc traps are imba because of  2 things
Shoot before u even have screen.
2nd is that spawn point on locations are always soo close to self (or there is only one spawn point?)

P.S. Bla bla bla bla need moar beer


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Re: Mercs, are unbalanced?
« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2011, 11:02:13 pm »

Micheal u are too dumb to get it damnit :) It was just saying in TB u have chance because u are not instakilled
There is much people who play only in TB and i dont think they will do shitty build for pvp in TB.
  I was just talking about traps in TB and RT being equally insta-kill since there is no escape if you are on or use a RT build, and even with TB the enemies in the trap will always get first turn to rape you.  You're the one who doesn't understand anything, constantly going on about how everything is about TB combat, nothing you are saying makes sense to what I have said.

But u poor dude u dont have friends to know that probably, and when i say "call for help" it mean distress. In merc trap u dont have time to do it ;)
you don't know anything about me or my friends obviously so whatever you say bro. ::)
Hmm BTW where i said 24/7 ;)? I play with people, not alone like u. Then that argument is invalid ;D
  Could've sworn we were talking about traps.  Traps occuring at any time, anywhere, whether or not you have friends on call.  And the way you are putting it, it would appear that doesn't matter cus you have people ready 24/7.  Again you don't bother to read and continue being a jackass.
Merc traps are imba because of  2 things
Shoot before u even have screen.
2nd is that spawn point on locations are always soo close to self (or there is only one spawn point?)

P.S. Bla bla bla bla need moar beer
and TB traps are imba because of 2 things.
1.  If you're an RT build you have absolutely no chance of escaping.
2.  Shoot before you can do anything whether or not screen is loaded.

You're no. 2 isn't sensible for any maps other than Desert, because there are several spawn points scattered around the maps.

p.s.  I am going to assume you are drinking all the time.  ::)
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 11:03:49 pm by Michaelh139 »
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Mercs, are unbalanced?
« Reply #35 on: November 17, 2011, 11:33:38 am »

and TB traps are imba because of 2 things.
1.  If you're an RT build you have absolutely no chance of escaping.
2.  Shoot before you can do anything whether or not screen is loaded.
and merc traps are imba because of 2 things.
1.  If you're any build you have absolutely no chance of escaping.
2.  Shoot before you can do anything whether or not screen is loaded.

But people dont have soo fast react time like npc they dont shoot soo fast and ur screen can be loaded. You die fast only if u have small hp build like sniper or something like that.
But true RT build vs TB build in tb have no chance (especially in encounters with walls what enemy can hide etc)

And again i don't play alone then that 24/7 is most stupid ever thing :) i play only if i have somebody to play with him. Even if i ride/walk alone its hmm u know not hard too just dont go to zones what people usually make merc traps. (i got merc trapped only 2 times, when i start playing that game and 2nd when enemy tb group have trap for us and it wasnt normal "merc trap", thats sad they cant win in tb they need to make merc trap but it was funny)

Blah blah blah

oh yea but we have atleast word from michealch merc are imba :D
RT being equally insta-kill
TB still is more fair than merc for me. You can win tb traps having less people than enemy. But in merc traps huh u cant alone vs 1 merc lider +5 mercs ;)

Oh and michealch no hard felling but about having several spawn point hmm i saw only 2 maps what have, and one map is crazy when u spawn inside some house xD (hard fucked by anything )

But again back to topic, merc are not used only in traps.
And again here they are OP because u can insta assault with them and run to WM ;) They should stay inside (and dieeeee)

something something i dun remember. Moar flame xD
Re: Mercs, are unbalanced?
« Reply #36 on: November 17, 2011, 12:41:15 pm »

I hope this not gonna go to lets remove mercs and turn based combat... Anyway wipe will change the way mercs work just look at the closed beta you can see they no longer act like mules.
About TB traps sometimes you win sometimes you don't thats all I can say about that.
You can win in RT too there is some tricks that can help to kill them off but you need to know that you going to a trap otherwise you have no chance.
Best way to avoid RT going in TB to avoid TB go in RT.
Re: Mercs, are unbalanced?
« Reply #37 on: November 22, 2011, 06:45:42 am »

falled into TB trap of 3 players once with a party of 5-6... Was reduced to 2 halfdead before we were able to shoot or do someshit...


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Re: Mercs, are unbalanced?
« Reply #38 on: November 22, 2011, 09:12:54 am »

falled into TB trap of 3 players once with a party of 5-6... Was reduced to 2 halfdead before we were able to shoot or do someshit...

"Best way to avoid RT going in TB to avoid TB go in RT."

Actually this is true ;D
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