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FOnline2238: Bug tracker
We've set up a bug tracker to help managing your reports, since we realized quite some time ago that the forum is not well suited for such activity. To ease the usage, we've integrated the accounts with forum ones, so you just log in with same credentials as here and can start creating tickets for bugs.
The easiest way to go there is to follow this link, which leads you directly to the timeline view, which shows everything related to the bugs.
For general info on how to use this, check out the start page.
The bugs board here will be closed, and reports from here might or might not be succesfuly moved to new tracker. We'll see about that.
Before you re-report a bug please make sure that it still exists in the game.
Great, nice work setting it up. Bug tracker should compensate a lot of time for you from now on. I hope that means a fix or two more. :)
What about planned features that aren't implemented yet, for example, Solar wanted to do x thing that he didn't finish causing some problem at the moment, but he isn't active? Is that considered as a bug, or something worth to report?
Specific example.
--- Quote from: T-888 on July 09, 2012, 08:08:01 pm ---CA helmet was 10% crit chance modifier, 10% crit power modfier before changes of 2 latest updates. Solar doubled all helmet critical chance modifier to make helmets more useful, buffing RBtE to ignore 50% instead of 25% crit chance modifier at the same moment enhancing the viability of the perk. Fineese was meant to balance out these changes for snipers, because even with the buffed RBtE it results as nerf, the critical chance modifier being the same with the perk for helmets before these changes, forcing players to just sacrifice another perk they didn't have to before for the same critical chance.
Unless of course Fineese get's changed, then it actually converts to a slight buff.
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--- Quote from: T-888 on July 12, 2012, 11:58:52 am ---What about planned features that aren't implemented yet (...)
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--- Quote from: http://dev.fonline2238.net/trac.wsgi/wiki/WikiStart ---The ticket system is used internally by developers also for tasks other than bugs, so you might be able to follow progress of some things if a ticket is open to public. However testers should use it ONLY to submit bug reports. Use FOnline:2238 forum for suggestions and ideas.
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Finally reporting abusive bugs won't break economy of server after 2 days ;D.
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