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Author Topic: An untraditional sniper/crit fix  (Read 2346 times)

Re: An untraditional sniper/crit fix
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2012, 09:52:19 am »

When I read this the first idea that come to my mind was Jagged Alliance combat system.
If someone look at and play in JA2 then he/she can see that the combat system works in a way that every shot helps the next one and gives chances to score more damage especially since in JA2 1.13 we have moral and fear factors for each character serious injuries make the targets loose his AP, moral and if he is under fire for a period of time he may even cover in fear.
Side note I was able to understand that this suggestion was a different thing however it made my mind going that direction. Since we have no moral, AP loss (just after some crits) and fear factor in game I don't think this idea is a good one. On another note what would be with tb? Fast shot character can shot 7-8 (depending if starting combat or not) times max now with 35% crit chance I think it would be devastating and extremely unbalanced. It shell not be forgotten that the game uses 2 combat system so changes to it should be made by keeping in mind how it would effect the other combat system. And a last thing I think it would take too much time and resource to do this I think its way more easier to do fine tunings on current system instead of dropping it and making a new from scratch.
Re: An untraditional sniper/crit fix
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2012, 05:55:08 pm »

first of all, I dont know where ravenousrat gets his 35% focus critchance from. 1 focus would add a flat 20%, not your standard critchance again so you have 35% for first and 55% for second burst, not 35% and 70%.

Anyway, with the current crittable and build setup for critbursters and torsoshooters, this would be way too OP, though for snipers it could be good. They have a lower rate of fire and desperately need the extra critchance when targetting arms/legs/groin. Not to forget that their critchance on head/eyes was just reduced by another 10% without implementing the finesse fix.

It seems to be more appropriate to adjust the values to a flat 10% critchance per focus, otherwise it seems to be too strong. It would also be good to make that focus stat based, say (LK+IN)/2 rounded down so that making 1lk snipers solely relying on focus would not be the only viable build anymore (as we have seen with BG now, 80% of builds being critminiguns).

Also, if IN works as a focus-defense, people wouldn't/couldn't make 2IN bg's anymore, thus generally lowering the perfomance of critbg's, helping to balance everything out.
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