Other > Closed suggestions

Inventory row reducement



 Everybody knows it,
 you start barter with trader and you must scroll whole inventory, because it is full of same kind of stuff, one piece on one row. Why not add the same weapons with same det. on one row, like thinks which are not deteriorated?

I agree with you  that currently it is hard to trade with some NPC. Sometimes it take more than  2 minutes to scroll to the bottom.
I think filter by name will be more efficient. Idea is to have text field in trade dialog, so player can input "223", and then everything that don't have 223 in name is hidden.
I think it is not difficult to implement, and will  work excellent (it could be implemented at client side, so no additional load to server).

Agreed that this should happen. Also, holding shift while scrolling with the mouse wheel makes you go by page instead of by item.

Agreed, this isn't just about having a higher bartering skill. It's just annoying.
However, you could tie it to the bartering skill. Which kinda makes sense.
Basicly, somoene skilled in trading knows exactly what he is looking for when trading, and is good at finding the "Good stuff"
Someone with 80%> barter gets the option to filter for the item he is looking for.


Only place I have slight problems with my 30 barter is in NCR. But I'm cheating. I use this bad mo-fo MX1100 and can scroll down to the bottom of the list in NCR in 3 seconds.

I already once suggested a fairly simple solution:
- Hello, I'm the trader. -
A) Hi. Show me your stuff.
B) Hi. Got any energy weapons?
C) Hi. I'd like to buy ammo.
D) Hello. I'm interested in miscellaneous items.

Simple, unless adding more than one barter screen to one NPC is impossible :/


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