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Brahmin Locations on World Map

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I got the idea from another thread, and so I made one. I hope this will help people hunt/tame those brahmins.

I know the grids on the map are small, but you should be able to clearly see the key and the square colors. I got the map from the Wiki, but I'm not sure why it is a smaller image file then the one on the Wiki. I'll fix that later. Probably has to do with photobucket size limits.

This is not complete!
I still have to find where those 30HP Weak Brahmins are hiding, those encounters where you will find a tamed Brahmin with tribals, more encounters near Den, and more 63HP encounters. Ignore the "Opacity:24%" and the note on the Font Type and Size. I had those in there because this is not complete.

To be added:
-1 South of Gecko - 54 HP (Might be in a different, near-by location)
-2 East and 1 North of NCR (43 HP ones)
-1 East and 1 North of NCR (35 HP ones)

Also, if you can tell me where you found another brahmin encounter map, tell me the square that you found it (either using the global coordinates or __ blocks N and _ blocks E from City way), and I'll check it out.

Now it works, thanks.
Add a square below Hub, you can meet some brahmins there too. I don't know how much HP they have, I always prefered "Strong Back" instead of "Awarness" :>

Work now? Okay it does.

surely there are more grids near hub where you can find brahmins
It would be more helpful to put possible locations of golden geckos

Thank you. Very nice map, btw.

And I can buy a T-shirt with it printed XD


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