Other > Off-topic discussions


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It was a pretty hilarious evening.

I hurted his feelings I think. But that's oki, he deserved it.

Mike Crosser:
Well after reading the log all I could piece out of it is: "Blowjobs pliz'',''cariiiii'',''hey,hey carrrriii hey'',''**kiss**" and ''laughing my ass off''

Sorry my computer broke down and I had to get it fixed, and cari very well, if that's the way you wish it to be.

Oh sweetie you misunderstand me, it is as you wish it to be for I am always forgiving. It is that you would be subjected to your own actions through the eyes of others, as they see what things you have said and done to me. Redemption for you is through you, and you only. I can merely stand here with love in my heart and hope that you would see the light, and guide yourself towards it with my words.


EDIT: The link to the log if any of you would like to see it.


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