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Cyber Jesus:

--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on July 04, 2012, 09:06:01 pm ---What did you do?

--- End quote ---
something bad.


Hello there people. I am Cari. I'm one of The Last Light Council members. I love helping people, it is my passion, and I all my friends know that I am a player pacifist. I don't kill other players [except maybe myself in times of boredom] and I do not steal, lie, or cheat. I am bound by my own code of morals and I abide by them to the strictest manner possible.

To set the stage, I met Iwannabe quite a while back in the NCR Bazaar. He was sporting a mobster skin, and was apparently a newbie. I was being harassed, and he decided to add his own words to the fray. I obviously did not appreciate this, so I headed to the Maltese Falcon for some time alone. I arrived there, and MaliceSong happened to be present. We talked and suddenly Iwannabe and his tag-along showed up. They proceeded to annoy me to the point where I went back to the NCR bazaar. Quelling my own annoyances, I counseled myself to help them.

This is when TheCrafterSG used his primary alt. Across many hunts with other individuals, he demonstrated his lack of maturity, patience, and his downright contempt for people quite clearly. Eventually he pushed the wrong buttons, upon hearing that I had some health problems, he bluntly wished that they worsened to the utmost degree. From this did I dish out an IRC ban and pretty much washed my hands of him. He came back under another alt, soon to be discovered, as Proper Apex. I was privy to his identity the moment he associated with me. The same cycle began, culminating in his vilification by the TLL group. He even dueled Brujah in my presence, and showed little honor in his fight.

The last episode was him as Fallout Man. He told me his identity, and being the forgiving, compassionate fool I was, I decided to give him one last chance. On our very first hunt with himself as Fallout Man he started his usual nitpicking stupidity and I was not kind. The culmination was a town burst against myself by him, and at that point, I essentially let the flood gates pour. Here is the log of our final confrontation.

The Crafter Log

Now take all of this into consideration, my friends. I spent an immense amount of patience and time on this person, only for him to act with every one of his 15 years of immaturity upon me. Now one might say this is to be expected of the youth. To a degree, I can understand this. But there is a time and place for everything, and there is a line from which one may not return that, once crossed, renders the entire relationship and situation irreparable.

My only rebuttal is, if you are going to make up for what you have done I suggest you change your attitude towards people in general. It's the same song I have sang many a time to you, it's chorus is echoing back. But do you have the ears to listen? The eyes to see? Perhaps one day you will understand. If not today, or tomorrow, or even never, I can say that at least after all of this senseless drama, I still tried to make amends.

*Grabs popcorn and guaramix*

hey guys what's going on in this thread


feels good in that voyeurism-circle


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