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How do you people sleep at night?

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everyone have their own special fetishism...

I don't kill bluesuits normally, unless they just happen to get in the way.
I generally also just ignore leather jackets unless they have a weapon.

Leather armor and above is just asking for it though.  So I sic my dogs on them and just eat some popcorn.  Some amusing stuff.

Bases?  raping bases?  I raped a base or two.  one was some anonymous person Reese asked me to help him with.  Was like 'whatevs'.  raped it.  good lewt.

The other was a friend's base who had gone inactive for a month.  so I actually just 'salvaged' his base.  Now THAT base...  damn.  10 mln caps.  (This was the week I just constantly bought 5 lsw mercs and destroyed tttla guys entering new reno).  Fun stuff.

I generally sleep face to pillow. I honestly wonder if one day I may suffocate myself but that has yet to happen.

I don't sleep.

Baseraping? ... I don't find that fun, it's too simple, using the trust of someone and then ... what take some items i don't need?

The common answer upon a random kill, "why?" and i always want to answer honestly, simply "because i can." Unless the guy says something like this, "please, can you let me do this one quest then i will be on my way?", and the usual answer is "Sure, why not." See how simple was that, i'm just always so surprised when random bluesuits(ok, some LA, sometimes even armed) are just running by, not even scouts, i can just tell it's not a scout, he is just a guy that hopes he's not going to get killed if he doesn't speak? Wrong! ;D I'm so creative, ain't I?

Most hilarious thing ever is when a bluesuit is starting a conversation with something like this, "don't shoot me!" and i have a gatling gun in my hands, don't have to be a genius to understand what needs to be done. That's like asking for it.

Im getting tired of youre silly games ;) There was a time when no one used drugs but you could use drugs on people and there was BBS with jet(permanent addiction). In NCR. Can you imagine that rage? Hehehe...

Sleeping is for pussies.

I'm not always raping a base, but when I do ...


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