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How do you people sleep at night?

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Only time I felt bad was when Fettel killed my dog...he is evil...

Malice Song:

--- Quote from: Brujah on July 04, 2012, 07:44:22 am ---I actually agree that raping a base rapist is a good thing.

PKing a PK is good, stealing from a thief and etc...

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This is where I usually try to google and post a funny picture to stimulate brain activity.
I'm sorry for comming up empty handed. Flexible morals seem to be serious business.

I purposely infiltrated a faction, and spent a month undercover.  I logged into Mumble with them, leveled PvP alts, did group activities, all my new member "duties", and generally had a lot of fun playing noob.  When I decided that I had access to every base I was able to, I decided to take 10 of my team mates to their bunker base.  As soon as everyone was present and accounted for, I logged their Mumble and announced who I was, what I was doing, and why.  We camped it for the next hour and proceeded to kill anyone who entered.  We left without taking a single item.

What else am I guilty of...  ahh, yeah.  Blowing up the guards in NCR, and killing everyone who entered for the next 75 minutes until they respawned.  After doing that every day for a week, we got bored with it.  So instead we decided to craft thousands of Super Stims, and use sneakers to Super Stim the guards to death.  Again, proceeded to kill all who entered.  There were some rage threads about that week.

I only mention those first two because not only were they my ideas, I was "directing" them, so I'm pretty much fully responsible for them.

Last wipe I bought one car, but had two tents just for parking because I couldn't fit them all in my base, and my first parking tent.  If I found a car on the map, I usually just waited until the player returned and killed them.  Every now and then I would get lucky and find the key (sometimes I would wait for them anyway even after I found it).

I've stumbled onto groups of three players making shared tents, and left the hides on the deck where the players fell with all their gear.

Using an exploit (since fixed with the wipe) to plant bombs on players/steal from them in town.

There's just too much shit to list.

Am I proud of it?  Well, no.  But you wanted to know what and why, so here are my answers.

1.  I didn't start out this way.  After playing for a long while, I realized that the majority of players on the server, or at least the ones who yell the loudest, and simply just cunts.  Not because they PK, because they steal, or grief.  Their attitude just sucks.  They fucking whine and complain about everything.  NOTHING is "fair", they never get "their way", and on top of that they feel entitled to have everything the way they think it should be, like this is goddamn Burger King.  So do I feel guilty?  Not at all.  I could say I'm a product of the game environment, but that would be bullshit.  The truth is, I just very much dislike a LOT of people I run into on the server - PK, APK, whatever.  The only group of decent people I ever had the pleasure of playing with came in the form of a few random people here and there - and the majority of Section 8.  Right or wrong, I put them above most of you.

2.  How do I sleep at night?  On my right side.  I had my nose broken pretty badly during my enlistment, and have a deviated septum.  If I sleep on my left side, I can't breathe, and it keeps my wife up.

TL:DR  I shoot people because they act like cunts.  If they don't act like that, I stop shooting them.


--- Quote from: Mike Wall on July 04, 2012, 07:39:13 am ---Is killing a murderer still murder?

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Not if they havn't done anything wrong(Kill or steal from you or a friend).
I'd call it justice.

I have only one time murdered another player, was with a friend and some fella entered the enc. I was in bad mood in RL :P
I ordered my friend to kill him. hehe.
All other times i killed was in defense or mining at one of the HQ mines.

id say my kill count probably doesnt reach 60 LOL, My death count.....well i think most people have lost count of their deaths.


--- Quote from: Ox-Skull on July 04, 2012, 09:24:47 am ---Not if they havn't done anything wrong(Kill or steal from you or a friend).
I'd call it justice.

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It is a homicide, it is a murder no matter how you twist it.


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