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Changelog 28/06/2012

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A concerned wastelander:

--- Quote from: Mrockatansky on June 30, 2012, 08:34:04 pm ---fixed.

You are wrong and its a very annoying part of town capture.

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Maybe its annoying for capturing towns (for small gangs), but still, you will get more pvp (available victims). Remember the BHH project in BH? Remember the Tsar or TTTLA projects in Redding? Remember the Hawks project at Gecko? So yes, you will get more pve AND pvp (and roleplay), its a fact.

i agree with this, haven't seen such longlife player projects in the past without militia.

in last sesion we CS wanted to fight with some gangs when we were 5-7 but we couldnt becasue of 20 500hp rocket/sniper/avenger/lsw militia in ma mk2 and 5 rp players. they were camping behing militia and it was pathetic that we cant do shit becasue of those 20 op npcs. try to run ur project like a man not like whinning kids. if you are to weak why you should keep this town. big fish eat small fish


--- Quote from: jacky. on June 30, 2012, 09:34:40 pm ---in last sesion we CS wanted to fight with some gangs when we were 5-7 but we couldnt becasue of 20 500hp rocket/sniper/avenger/lsw militia in ma mk2 and 5 rp players. they were camping behing militia and it was pathetic that we cant do shit becasue of those 20 op npcs. try to run ur project like a man not like whinning kids. if you are to weak why you should keep this town. big fish eat small fish

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I understand your point of view but understand mine aswell: the point back then wasn't to fight everyone who wanted to fight but keep the town for our purposes. If we had wanted to fight, we would have left the town empty and waited for someone to go inside so we can jump on them from worldmap. If CS could have been able to smash everyone inside when it wanted, there would have not been anyone inside ever. That's cold truth.

--- Quote from: T-888 on June 30, 2012, 09:19:27 pm ---This is said millions times, nobody likes these NPC wars. Just remove militia and be done with it.

a big clusterfuck between npc's and players.

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Only if the militia is like it is now. A group of 8 guys with low health and jhp ammo would be enough. The point is not to smash even small pvp teams with good gear but put a little barrier between the surprise attack from worldmap and fend off trolls who spam themselves in bluesuit.


--- Quote from: jacky. on June 30, 2012, 09:34:40 pm ---..
big fish eat small fish

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that's why fonline get eaten.
but i understand your point with militia disturbing "personal tc"
its made to support guarded town by players at all.. but with small amount of players it dont work


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