i completely wrote the build down wrong lol
5 st
10 pe
6 en
1 ch
10 en
8 ag
1 lk
small frame skilled
ok you gotta go bluesuite with sneaker, you will get penalties with armour, you dont need ch because you a sneaker, 10 pe so you can see you enimies from a distance like u said snipers and cripplers ect. also with sharp shooter you will have 12 pe so u can see them again from distance they not u because u sneak, 1 luck because u dont need it, silent death you automatic crit from behind, so i would take better crits , silent running , silent death, sharpshooter , lifegiver, brof maybe? i tagged enegry weapons aswell as throwing this is why i took brof, and better crits,
you putting in en no need because a sniper will slice you in half staright away anyways or kill you and a crippler might do the same too, somtimes there crits are high, man dont put in ch aswell why u need 3 ch for?? and also u dont need skilled realy just tag science get it up to 100 and goto hub and see women in libary who will give u two perks one with more exp im so tired at the moment i cant think what the other one is but i know its worth it , oh yeah you get more skill points so instead of 25 you get 27 , but the bonus of having 27 instead of 30 is more perks to choose from

, but with skilled i suppose its quick to level up with u dont have to worry abou going to hub and shit, so i have 175 in throwing 297 in sneak wich i dont need realy beacce its enough to have 285 and the rest in engery weapons. hope ive helped u out alot this build works great with me