FOnline Development > General Discussion
"Ready Made" Solutions - Scripts, tricks, tips, and other useful info.
As suggested, this topic is for "Ready Made" works that people wish to share with the community, or other tips, tricks, and hints.
Also, check out these:
(English speakers, get a Translator extension for your browser.)
HP/HP, Injured (With HP colorizing based on % of max HP)
Hand Slot Item/Unarmed
Armor/No Armor
Pretty close to 2238 Awareness, since I like the way it was implemented. Some of the colors and percentages for HP may be off, but you can change them to suit your wants or needs.
First make a new script in the Server/Scripts folder, and name it "Awareness.fos". Open it up, and paste in the following, and save it:
--- Code: ---//Awareness On Mouse-Over
//Author: codave
#include "_macros.fos"
#include "_client_defines.fos"
#include "_colors.fos"
#include "_msgstr.fos"
void InitAwarenessHead() // Export
CritterCl@ cr = GetMonitorCritter(__MouseX, __MouseY);
if( !valid(cr) )
ItemCl@ item = cr.GetItem( 0, SLOT_HAND1 );
ItemCl@ itemArmor = cr.GetItem( 0, SLOT_ARMOR );
int hp_amo = cr.Stat[ ST_CURRENT_HP ];
if(valid(cr) )
int Y=__MouseY;
int hp_proc = cr.Stat[ ST_CURRENT_HP ] * 100 / cr.Stat[ ST_MAX_LIFE ];
if (hp_proc < 1)
DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE]+", Injured", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_LGRAY, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
else if (hp_proc < 25)
DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE]+", Injured", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_RED, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
else if (hp_proc < 50)
DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE]+", Injured", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_DRED, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
else if (hp_proc <= 75)
DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE]+", Injured", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_DGREEN, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
else if (hp_proc <= 100)
DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE]+", Injured", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, 0x0, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
if (hp_proc < 1)
DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE], __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_LGRAY, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
else if (hp_proc < 25)
DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE], __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_RED, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
else if (hp_proc < 50)
DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE], __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_DRED, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
else if (hp_proc <= 75)
DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE], __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_DGREEN, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
else if (hp_proc <= 100)
DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE], __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, 0x0, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
DrawText (""+GetMsgStr(TEXTMSG_ITEM, STR_ITEM_INFO(itemArmor)), __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, 0x0, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
DrawText ("No Armor", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_LGRAY, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
DrawText (""+GetMsgStr(TEXTMSG_ITEM, STR_ITEM_INFO(item)), __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, 0x0, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
DrawText ("Unarmed", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_LGRAY, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
--- End code ---
Next, find "client_main.fos". We need to include the Awareness script we just created. In the headspace, enter "#include "awareness.fos", so it looks like this:
--- Code: ---#include "_client_defines.fos"
#include "_macros.fos"
#include "_msgstr.fos"
#include "sprite.fos"
#include "_colors.fos"
#include "_animation.fos"
#include "awareness.fos"
--- End code ---
Scroll down a bit further and find "GUI_Init();", and enter in "InitAwarenessHead();" so it looks like this:
--- Code: ---GUI_Init();
// InitTestScreen();
#ifdef PLAYERS_3D
--- End code ---
Scroll down a little further and find "Void render_iface( unit layer)". Paste in the following, so it looks like this:
--- Code: ---void render_iface( uint layer )
if(layer == 1 )
CritterCl@ chosen = GetChosen();
if(valid(chosen) && chosen.Perk[PE_AWARENESS] != 0)
if( layer == 3 )
--- End code ---
The color codes can be found in _colors.fos, if you want to change them.
A big thanks to lothar70 and Wipe for some help with this.
Thank you for this. :)
Really nice :) Thank you
My first guess was that using 4x DrawText() in a row instead of one (cos "\n" [new line] actually works in there) may cause slowdowns - DrawText() isn't "cheap" function, as we all know. But after closer look:
--- Quote from: codave on June 22, 2012, 01:41:54 am ---
--- Code: ---CritterCl@ cr = GetMonitorCritter(__MouseX, __MouseY);
ItemCl@ item = cr.GetItem( 0, SLOT_HAND1 );
ItemCl@ itemArmor = cr.GetItem( 0, SLOT_ARMOR );
int hp_amo = cr.Stat[ ST_CURRENT_HP ];
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
I really advice to put something like this after 1st line
--- Code: ---if( !valid(cr) ) return;
--- End code ---
Without it, client tries to get cr Items at the current mouse xy - problem is that cr can be null, and yet you are trying to get info from it - without checking if you actually have a Critter pointer. If you don't, 2nd+ lines creates an error, which client tries to log into file (and as you fiddle with scripts, i guess that you have logging to FOnline.log enabled) on every frame render~ That's no good, everything what's called inside render_iface() function should be guarded with sanity checks, like any other (reserved) functions which are called by client frequently.
--- I hope you get what i mean, i suck in explaining things...
I understand completely. Thank you, that cleared the problem right up. It's now smooth as hell.
I need to get better at this scripting thing.
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