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"Ready Made" Solutions - Scripts, tricks, tips, and other useful info.

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As suggested, this topic is for "Ready Made" works that people wish to share with the community, or other tips, tricks, and hints.

Also, check out these:

(English speakers, get a Translator extension for your browser.)


HP/HP, Injured  (With HP colorizing based on % of max HP)
Hand Slot Item/Unarmed
Armor/No Armor

Pretty close to 2238 Awareness, since I like the way it was implemented.  Some of the colors and percentages for HP may be off, but you can change them to suit your wants or needs.

First make a new script in the Server/Scripts folder, and name it "Awareness.fos".  Open it up, and paste in the following, and save it:

--- Code: ---//Awareness On Mouse-Over
//Author: codave
#include "_macros.fos"
#include "_client_defines.fos"
#include "_colors.fos"
#include "_msgstr.fos"

void InitAwarenessHead() // Export

CritterCl@ cr = GetMonitorCritter(__MouseX, __MouseY); 
     if( !valid(cr) )
ItemCl@ item = cr.GetItem( 0, SLOT_HAND1 );
ItemCl@ itemArmor = cr.GetItem( 0, SLOT_ARMOR );
int hp_amo = cr.Stat[ ST_CURRENT_HP ];

if(valid(cr)  )
      int Y=__MouseY;
      int hp_proc = cr.Stat[ ST_CURRENT_HP ] * 100 / cr.Stat[ ST_MAX_LIFE ];   
         if (hp_proc < 1)
         DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE]+", Injured", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_LGRAY, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
         else if (hp_proc < 25)
         DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE]+", Injured", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_RED, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
         else if (hp_proc < 50)
         DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE]+", Injured", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_DRED, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
         else if (hp_proc <= 75)
         DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE]+", Injured", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_DGREEN, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);         
         else if (hp_proc <= 100)
         DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE]+", Injured", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, 0x0, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
         if (hp_proc < 1)
         DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE], __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_LGRAY, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
         else if (hp_proc < 25)
         DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE], __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_RED, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
         else if (hp_proc < 50)
         DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE], __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_DRED, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
         else if (hp_proc <= 75)
         DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE], __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_DGREEN, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
         else if (hp_proc <= 100)
         DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE], __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, 0x0, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
            DrawText (""+GetMsgStr(TEXTMSG_ITEM, STR_ITEM_INFO(itemArmor)), __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, 0x0, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED); 
         DrawText ("No Armor", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_LGRAY, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
            DrawText (""+GetMsgStr(TEXTMSG_ITEM, STR_ITEM_INFO(item)), __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, 0x0, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
         DrawText ("Unarmed", __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, COLOR_LGRAY, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);

--- End code ---

Next, find "client_main.fos".  We need to include the Awareness script we just created.  In the headspace, enter "#include "awareness.fos", so it looks like this:

--- Code: ---#include "_client_defines.fos"
#include "_macros.fos"
#include "_msgstr.fos"
#include "sprite.fos"
#include "_colors.fos"
#include "_animation.fos"
#include "awareness.fos"

--- End code ---

Scroll down a bit further and find "GUI_Init();", and enter in "InitAwarenessHead();" so it looks like this:

--- Code: ---GUI_Init();
    // InitTestScreen();
    #ifdef PLAYERS_3D

--- End code ---

Scroll down a little further and find "Void render_iface( unit layer)".  Paste in the following, so it looks like this:

--- Code: ---void render_iface( uint layer )

      if(layer == 1 )
   CritterCl@ chosen = GetChosen(); 
        if(valid(chosen) && chosen.Perk[PE_AWARENESS] != 0) 

    if( layer == 3 )

--- End code ---

The color codes can be found in _colors.fos, if you want to change them. 

A big thanks to lothar70 and Wipe for some help with this.

Thank you for this. :)

Really nice :) Thank you

My first guess was that using 4x DrawText() in a row instead of one (cos "\n" [new line] actually works in there) may cause slowdowns - DrawText() isn't "cheap" function, as we all know. But after closer look:

--- Quote from: codave on June 22, 2012, 01:41:54 am ---
--- Code: ---CritterCl@ cr = GetMonitorCritter(__MouseX, __MouseY); 
ItemCl@ item = cr.GetItem( 0, SLOT_HAND1 );
ItemCl@ itemArmor = cr.GetItem( 0, SLOT_ARMOR );
int hp_amo = cr.Stat[ ST_CURRENT_HP ];

--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

I really advice to put something like this after 1st line

--- Code: ---if( !valid(cr) ) return;
--- End code ---

Without it, client tries to get cr Items at the current mouse xy - problem is that cr can be null, and yet you are trying to get info from it - without checking if you actually have a Critter pointer. If you don't, 2nd+ lines creates an error, which client tries to log into file (and as you fiddle with scripts, i guess that you have logging to FOnline.log enabled) on every frame render~ That's no good, everything what's called inside render_iface() function should be guarded with sanity checks, like any other (reserved) functions which are called by client frequently.

--- I hope you get what i mean, i suck in explaining things...

I understand completely.  Thank you, that cleared the problem right up.  It's now smooth as hell.


I need to get better at this scripting thing.


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