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2238 vs. TLA

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--- Quote from: Krej on March 15, 2010, 01:41:03 pm ---well, waiting around for timeouts certainly isnt for me, I think it was much more enjoyable when you could farm the same caravan over and over again for easy stuff, then you could level quickly because experiance on critters didnt decay and mobs didn't get some magical movement speed to make it "balanced".. It wasn't so tedious. The whole crafting scene would also be more enjoyable if there were no cooldowns and gathering could be done by slaves automatically or removed gathering timeout / really low cooldown..

Then people say wasteland would overflow with items etc but thats alot better than how it is now I think.. we still get the stuff we want but its a pain getting there, and its boring.. feels like a job instead of a game.

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no pain no gain, event (not gm events) that were harder to pass, gave more joy in game and i like that, its similar to real world, some have money some have not, some can buy everything, some needs to work dirty to buy something, everything is cool.


--- Quote from: vedaras on March 15, 2010, 02:43:02 pm ---no pain no gain, event (not gm events) that were harder to pass, gave more joy in game and i like that, its similar to real world, some have money some have not, some can buy everything, some needs to work dirty to buy something, everything is cool.

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I rather not be bored out of my mind when playing a game for fun

Personaly, I play a game because I find interesting things in.
I definitively fail to catch the so popular "Fun" argue...


--- Quote from: Lexx on March 15, 2010, 11:23:38 am ---Question to me is what is "real gaming" to you. Running around, shooting stuff?

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Real gaming for me is interaction.

How i play the game  right now??

When i craft(more than half of the time when i am connected) it is simple :

Using hammer on minerals, watching craps on youtube for 5 minutes, then use hammer again, watching crap on youtube, etc.. So as you can see it is not really playing... it's loosen time. But i love this game so keep mining :)

This is how is crafting right now, it could be really better, but i can't imagine staying in front the game without go out of it for the amazing cooldown.

And yeah, farming caravan or other mobs was a good substitution to long crafting cooldown, but the same happen with encounters, it's too regulated.

Like somebody said, we didn't say TLA rox, we are playin 2238 because we think it is better, but things have to change on many game aspect to make it enjoyable : my example about crafting is really good ; what am i doing  : playing the game or watching craps on youtube ?

After craft, what to do (if you play the game alone) ? Being shot! because people are too bored about hours spend on mining, and want blood !

Sorry about the tone, i play fonline since obt2, many improvement in 2 years, but so many withdrawal (and i don't talk about items, just about way of gaming) : one year ago i was in cbt and i was spending my time on one hour like that : 90% of the time on the game, 10% chatting on irc #fonline ; now i spend 30% in the game, the remaining time is surfing on the web, look people fllooding the irc, etc.

I don't want this post to be a trial, i love and i keep testing the game, because it is still beta-test ; but my impression is that the game lost his fun at every game mechanics you introduce or delete... Sorry about my opinion, but it makes a long time ago that i want to say it.. Let's test it after the wipe, hope fun will be back.

(to synthetise : fun is playing the game, not watching craps on youtube, but right now we don't have many choices)

Edit : i read the solar answer, i really hope crafting will become less passive, and less boring :)

About crafting, the main difference is that on TLA you can find almost all items by scavenging in the desert. I think this way is more fun because you have to explore to find crafting ressources (and scavenging is one of the most important thing on a post-nuclear world). But on TLA crafting is useless, you can find all you want with PvE/PvP.
In my opinion, scavenging for ressources on 2238 should be the same that TLA (instead of rocks, barrels and plants) but only for crafting basic equipement and higher equipement should only be found in PvE/PvP.
I don't know if it could work or not...
Ho and there should be separate levels for crafting and fighting. I mean, crafting should only give xp for crafting purposes and not xp to make your character stronger in battle.


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