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2238 vs. TLA

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What I actually find funny is that you like TLA so much that you need to come here and tell us that it is great and why. But you don't play there. Or maybe you play there, but it's not enough for you, and you'd like to shout on this forum that TLA roxx.
Can't wait for the server codes to be released, so that people that play on 2238 thinking it's a shitty server go to make their own.

Sir Hubert:
I played some time before on TLA and must to say 2238 rulez :) Good job hope soon wipe and all story will start again :)

Tla vs 2238 sonds like Counter Strike vs Half-life   ;)


--- Quote from: Amphetamine-Dobro on March 12, 2010, 06:28:43 pm ---Tla vs 2238 sonds like Counter Strike vs Half-life   ;)

--- End quote ---

you better not punch down half life!


--- Quote from: Izual on March 12, 2010, 05:40:47 pm ---What I actually find funny is that you like TLA so much that you need to come here and tell us that it is great and why. But you don't play there. Or maybe you play there, but it's not enough for you, and you'd like to shout on this forum that TLA roxx.

--- End quote ---

Did anyone say that TLA rox (I mean, in this thread) ? Nope.
I think that everyone jest wants 2238 to be a better server (if you think it's perfect now, then um..well.. we don't have much to talk about, I think).

It seems that every time anyone dares to say something is better on TLA, GMs (yes, especially you, Izual) and devs feel kinda offended and respond with "go play on TLA" or "go make your own server" or some other crap. Ahh, those terrible beta-testers..


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