FOnline Development > General Discussion

World Map issues + Awareness Script

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Didn't want to start a new topic.  I've never been a fan of the MSG Box Awareness after having it displayed as it is in 2238.

I've checked all of these scripts, without success.  Following instructions as Google translated them, the Client script fails to initialize every time.


client_main.fos                       It's kinda laggy though

--- Code: ---void render_iface( uint layer )
    if( layer == 3 )

if( layer == 2 )
CritterCl@ chosen = GetChosen(); 
       if(valid(chosen) && chosen.Perk[PE_AWARENESS] != 0) 
       CritterCl@ cr = GetMonitorCritter(__MouseX, __MouseY); 
       ItemCl@ realWeapon= _CritGetItemHand(cr); 
       ItemCl@ armor=_CritGetItemArmor(cr); 
          int Y=__MouseY;
            DrawText (cr.Stat[ST_CURRENT_HP]+"/"+cr.Stat[ST_MAX_LIFE], __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, 0x0, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED);
            DrawText (""+GetMsgStr(TEXTMSG_ITEM, STR_ITEM_INFO(armor)), __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, 0x0, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED); 
            DrawText (""+GetMsgStr(TEXTMSG_ITEM, STR_ITEM_INFO(realWeapon)), __MouseX, Y-60, 500, 100, 0x0, FONT_FALLOUT, FT_BORDERED); 

--- End code ---

Jimmy BoyX:
Does it work? Is it like focd awareness above head and it is stable and no lag?

No it is mouse over awarness like on 2238

It was lagging a little for me, and a lot for my friend.

That problem was solved by disabling 3D and using the regular FOnline.exe (we had been using the D3D client).

I'm still working on the script. The script posted does not have colorizing on the HP based on the % of your max health. It also still shows the HP when the critter is dead. (-141/85, etc). The biggest issue is that it has no function to display whether the critter is injured or not.

So yes it works, but in my opinion is insufficient.

One of the links posted earlier in the thread has the non-mouse over awareness script that can be adapted.

I'll update the script when I have the additional Awareness features in there and working properly. (Unless someone wants to save me time and post it themselves).

Also, TY Jovanka for formatting the text. I'll be sure to do that from now on. :D

Jimmy BoyX:
Do you wanna optimize and release it? I am waiting for it.


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