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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game  (Read 9099 times)

New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« on: March 11, 2010, 05:40:38 pm »

Well to get right to the point, I just want to say that the death system in this game is extremely frustrating. Not being able to get your belongings back is unheard of in almost all mmorpgs. I have died about 3 times and sucked it up and I realize you need to get a tent asap to horde your belongings. However, people want crazy amounts of money for brahmin hides and you RARELY ever find them yourself in the wild. So I find myself once again looking for flints to make primitive tools, then mining, getting wood, junk whatever which all takes a lot of play time to get back on your feet again if you have no tent. I also honestly think the 5-6 minute cooldowns are a bit high.

Anyways, I think the game is very frustrating and difficult in the beginning stages. This is something you don't want, especially for a community-run mmorpg.  I understand it is a cruel world and open pvp, but when your scavenging for things and 2 guys in power armor with 2 mutants with rocket launchers blow you away talking russian, then it really makes you want to quit. So end rant and flame if you wish.


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2010, 05:43:23 pm »

Expect many "the wasteland is harsh!" quotes.  :-\
This is a game, where the ability to kill everything and everywhere is more important than fun, balance or atmosphere.
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2010, 05:44:42 pm »

The only way to survive in the wastes is to have friends. If you don't have them then go make some. There are plenty of good guys out there that will team up with you.
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2010, 05:51:25 pm »

Yeah, when I got my first tent, I got like one 8 lvl char, one 6 lvl char, one more 8 lvl char.
Also, I found that easier to craft laser rifles/plasma pistols/combat shotguns and bazookas, than build a tent. Because you'll encounter more players than brahmins at NW of NCR. And of couse everytime you getting 9th hide, on that encounter, while you standing near last brahmin's body, appearing a gang of maniacs with miniguns who shouting what they will do with you, and then you again starting hunt for brahmins, and again, and again. So yeah, all you need is a tent. Then the game will be really easy.
The only way to survive in the wastes is to have friends. If you don't have them then go make some. There are plenty of good guys out there that will team up with you.
Heh, I did everything myself ;p
I can't forget "Don't trust anyone" hint. Of couse now I know where I can join, may be, but I don't playing FOnline till wipe. Only testing something sometimes with newly created chars.

Anyway, when you get your tent, you'll find this game very easy.
Changed nickname. This acc not in use anymore. Please, devs/mods/gms/ whoever, you can delete it.


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2010, 05:56:40 pm »

a little ridiculously easy when it comes to harvesting npc equipment
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2010, 06:29:19 pm »

Well, if it wouldn't be of the upcoming wipe, i'd help you. Right now i have completly no interest doing that as it will all dissapear in matter of days (i hope so). But, if youre still interested, might contact me after wipe. And besides, the hardcorness of FOnline is that, what imo attracts most players to this game
I give a fuck.
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2010, 08:35:42 pm »

maybe if devs could make people that are lower than 3 level not giving stuff while dying... NEVERMIND!!! Wasteland is harsh, thats what they told me before too.


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2010, 09:33:48 pm »

I find leveling up my character to level 21 is quite fun.

However, people want crazy amounts of money for brahmin hides and you RARELY ever find them yourself in the wild. So I find myself once again looking for flints to make primitive tools, then mining, getting wood, junk whatever which all takes a lot of play time to get back on your feet again if you have no tent.

Brahmins with low HP (30-35) can be found quite easily. Weak Brahmins (30 HP) can be found near Den, and 35-45 HP ones can be found all around NCR, mainly in my experiecne, 2 West, 1 North, and 1 South, 1 East of NCR.

NCR is also a great place to get started because there is regenerating flint to the West of the Main Inner-city Gate, and cut-able trees. Mining can be a pain, though. Outdoorsman really helps you avoid any "guys in power armor with 2 mutants with rocket launchers", too.
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2010, 01:42:37 am »

FOnline has quite a learning cure, but once you realise what it is youre looking for, and where to find it etc. the game becomes
alot easier. I found doing quest and using FLC religiously helps to get the ball rolling. Personally, I like the death system.  ;D
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2010, 04:23:55 am »

the wasteland is harsh
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2010, 09:22:44 pm »

too much of a learning learning cure..... this game needs some sort of a noob location
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2010, 09:27:59 pm »

Anyways, I think the game is very frustrating and difficult in the beginning stages.   I understand it is a cruel world and open pvp, but when your scavenging for things and 2 guys in power armor with 2 mutants with rocket launchers blow you away talking russian, then it really makes you want to quit. So end rant and flame if you wish.

No pain, no game  ;D

You expect real world is  not cruel ?

I think high difficulty is that factor which attracts many bored players to this game  ;)
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2010, 11:19:46 pm »

too much of a learning learning cure..... this game needs some sort of a noob location

If such a thing existed, i'd expect all the russians crowding up the place shooting up everyone, shouting XAXAXAXAXA and RAZDRIAT STIACHA PRATIVNIK.
Seriously. We used to have the "hell" area. I doubt you'd like that anny better

Oh and also:
>Rarely found any brahmin in the wild
No. Just no. Im tired of fighting those fuckers. I run into dozens of em per day. Just keep patrolling around NCR


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2010, 11:58:38 pm »

Well this game is not for solo players thats for sure. Solo you mean nothing and you can do nothing. Not if you don't have week off and a lot of patience. I'm all for it to make game more solo-friendly. Not necessarily easier tho. But when remember OBT 2 then our wasteland is like flower-lover paradise compared to that kind of shit what has been happening back there ;).


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2010, 11:14:04 am »

making fonline more playerfriendly? Like i said 5 months ago when the game was more alive: disable full drop on death- let people have at least a descent % chance to keep 1st weapon and armor.(unless they attacked someone)

Old players will now flame me with: blah blah blah now player will have xxx weapons they don't use since they can use 1 gun for like a week if they play wisely.
My answer: ammount of weapons is the same, it's just with current gameplay all lost weapons usually go to dominating faction guild stashes to be never used again.
solution to both: make weapons unrepairable after some time(even with 300% repair) so eventually people will change their weapon once in a while due to weapon breaks, not everyday due to being ganked for no reason.(yes, it's far less frustrating)

I am aware that many people like Fonline the way it is. Open pvp with full drop and sht, but lets face it. This game is far away from giving fun to most players, especially new ones, leaving fonline with a CLOSED PLAYER COMMUNITY(join big faction or die)

This game has to become less frustrating and time consuming, but more fun and playerfriendly. I came back after nearly half year to see how fonline changed(since it was  PvP, PvP, Die, Craft, Craft, Pvp, Die, Pvp, Pvp, Craft) but it didn't changed at all really.. If there are ANY roleplayers left in the 2238- please correct me :/
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