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Who Killed Bambi:

--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on June 14, 2012, 02:13:49 pm ---24 GB ram to make gigantic-resolution/size multi-layer Photoshop image!

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seems like yes :D 2gb is really bad for 2k x 2x pixels 30 layers + 80 frame gif :D

i think with 24gb pc is just awesome for this time

--- Quote from: maciek83 on June 14, 2012, 05:08:57 pm ---24 gigs of ram to have just average enough after 3 years ; )

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i ll give it 1 year or 2 maximum - half year :D

Nah just his 24giga ram will be too "slow" ;)

Slaver Snipe:
I'll give it 5-10 years if you continue to buy it at a store instead of making your own.


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