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Small energy cells cost

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I was thinking about Small energy Cells and its cost.

 I traded MFCs for gunpowders 1/1 and i think 10 caps is normal price for GP so same i think 10caps is good price for MFCs. But MFCs can be stolen from NPCs so this is factor which lowers cost of MFC to such low price level.

Now SEC is another story. I think it can be only crafted in high amounts (etc 10k), becouse traders have normaly 50-250 SECs. If i calculate cost from crafting materials(2 alloys,6 eparts) , normal cost for alloys is 42caps while its made from 2ironores and 2 minerals. Now eparts is again another story. My estimation is like 40 caps for 1 epart.In sum its 84+240=324 caps per 100 SECs

What u think about good price of SEC?

SEC can be easly farmed in big amounts, like 200-400 per one encounter and there is shitload from tc box

I'm curious about the encounter you can farm them in those numbers.
TC box isn't available for everyone.

Mercenaries+hubologist both have much of them and both near sf :)


--- Quote from: Perteks on June 11, 2012, 03:22:46 pm ---Mercenaries+hubologist both have much of them and both near sf :)

--- End quote ---

those are late game mobs you can't farm at low levels and sec is supposed to be the lowest level ammo for ew. Crafting it is a huge pain in the ass, try killing homesteaders for cattle prod ammo.


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