FOnline Development > General Discussion
[ How to ] Mapper - Script, Critter : Hostile and replication
So i have these few questions for you guys!
Any idea how to, make critters hostile? I compared the hostile rats with mine unhostile and theres differences between certain numbers, though i cant figure it out yet.
Also, replication of items and these critters. there seems to be a item "replication" in mapper.
Maybe some pointers where i can find this info in documentation.
In your mapper, click on the critter and fill the things in I framed in red here.
Also keep in mind, that "mobs" (mindless monsters) always have the team number/team ID like there. (team number - determines what faction your "monster" is part of). Always useful is the bag ID too, there you can determine pre-defined items your critter can wield.
You are the Man!
Though howcome some of the rats have no script or function. Yes i noticed the team ID, very cool.
Thanks for everything.
My put on replication is that the bottom item ST_REPLICATION .. is number of minutes of replicating the critter.( havent tried items yet). The critter seems to replicate on the same place it died, not where it was spawned.
How do i make the critter replicate where it spawned?
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