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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: HUB RPG Character Pledges  (Read 2513 times)

Re: HUB RPG Character Pledges
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2012, 10:35:31 am »

Rain-(caravan guard.)Born in hub,son of a whore and a caravan driver.He spent his childhood happily with his family until the father got killed by super mutants during a ride.Rain's mother,sick with love and other various sexual diseases,decided to go look for his husband north,only to find a painful death under the burning sun.Young Rain,left alone,begun to spend his days getting drunk and looking for troubles,and dreaming glory at the maltese falcon,where he became friend with Malice,the local phisycian,Cato, a skilled crafter,Aesoph,an hunter and Lazlo,a caravan driver.(and many,many others..)
Toghether they spent some peaceful time,making money with caravans and commerce,and helping many wastelanders find their way.
But the peaceful way soon became boring for the young Rain,impressed by the tale of gang wars raging north told from time to time by wastelanders coming hub to buy heavy weapons,so he decided  to left his companions to find his fortune as a mercenary.
He learnt from ghouls the art of sniping,and from rangers the way of survival,honing his tongue and his aim in order to survive.
Rivers of blood were spilled on the thirsty ground before he realized how pointless all that fighting for domination was.
Every day,he started to become more and more homesick,more and more tired of senseless fighting.
Since one day took his decision:coming back to his hometown.
Many of his old friends left,never to return.Many others changed.He changed himself.
Many would not forgive him for leaving them behind,many other just didn t recognize him anymore.
So he enters the Maltese Falcon as a foreigner in his own homeland,with only a dream in his eyes.
Help making the Hub a safe place,a lighthouse of civilization in the whole wasteland,a place where no one would never feel out of place anymore.And of course,getting pretty rich and powerful in the process.
The MF bartender smiles sadly when he comes in.''Long time no see Rain.Have you understood that,everything you were looking for is just everything you've ever had...?''.Rain takes a deep breath,sits in his old seat,lights a cigar.                           ''I thought i would never be changed,but you know..only war,only war never changes''
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
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