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Author Topic: A small list of ideas about items and perks  (Read 1457 times)

A small list of ideas about items and perks
« on: May 31, 2012, 07:06:41 pm »

This is just a list of ideas that are floating in my mind.I felt urge to share them whit all of you just to hear ur opinions.

Dedicated miner/gatherer character.
Gatherer focused character that is possible and fun to be raised.Most gather/miners are just lvl 1 with maxed str.They never or rarely get leveled and have poor RPG quality , so the below list i think will make the difference.

New weapon/tools

Jackhammer -Ancient pneumatic tool that combines a hammer directly with a chisel typically powered by compressed air.
This one is hydraulic and connected to small , gasoline powered pump carried in backpack.The pump is modified to use flamethrower fuel.It looks sturdy and dependable .The label says TILTI.

Should be  melee weapon
Should be  in /burst/ mode only  atacking say 4 shots/dmg  8 - 12/ AP cost of 6 / fuel usage 4
Should be used as mining tool with AP cost of 3 and double gather value say 4 iron ore instead of 1/fuel usage 4 per dig
Should have tank capacity of say 20 units
Should have reload cost of 3 AP
Should be two handed normal dmg
Should have penetrate ability
This tool will fit nicely in  the mining towns shops , npc's, and quests. Imagine dusty supermutant carrying this :)

Chainsaw-Portable mechanical saw, powered by electricity, compressed air, hydraulic power, or most commonly a two-stroke engine.This one is electrical and is adapted to use SmEnCl. Label says SILTH.

Should be  melee weapon
Should be slashing /25-50dmg/AP cost of 6 normal ,7 aimed/ cell cost of 1
Should be used as wood cutting tool with AP cost of 3 and tripple gather value of 15 /cell usage per cut 1
Should have energy capacity of 12 cells
Should have reload cost of 3 AP
Should be two handed normal dmg

This tool will fit nicely in the hands of any large build,leather masked and foul tempered individual.

I have no idea about detoriation craftablity and price so anybody i wellcome with suggestion

Related trait an two perks

Labor worker - gives reduced AP cost by 1 for purpose of fight and 'use on' for all hybrid weapon/tools but incure penalty
of - 1 charisma for being somewhat dull or -1 intelligence for being hit in the head by heavy object or -1 agl for spending time on mostly static and draining job or any combination of them

Pro miner  reduced AP cost by 1 for purpose of fight , use on , and reloading the Jackhammer  level 6 ?
Pro cutter reduced AP cost by 1 for purpose of fight , use on , and reloading the Chainsaw level 6

Please share ur opinions people

Re: A small list of ideas about items and perks
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2012, 09:08:30 pm »

The jackhammer is pretty useless, wasting resources at a high rate to gather limited resources? Ore runes out after a minute anyways where's the gain. Also 4 fuel per hit is ridiculous since flamers only use one, would be the most inefficient motor ever. Same with the saw, wood is basically free and unlimited if anything having a heavier tool would make you less efficient.  Even as weapons they'd have higher ap cost and lower damage than existing melee with your related perks/traits.
Re: A small list of ideas about items and perks
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2012, 11:27:03 pm »

You can mine this session as fast as you want, there is no need to advance the speed of mining. The tool suggestion is useless. Had a laugh about TILTI, though :)

How about an achievement for 10000 mined ores, e.g. Stakhanov Award?
Re: A small list of ideas about items and perks
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2012, 03:22:36 pm »

 ??? no,no,no, that is just shit
dlaczego muzyka black metalowa jest szybka?  bo gdy sie czlowiek spieszy to sie diabel cieszy :)
Re: A small list of ideas about items and perks
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2012, 05:31:49 pm »

stat of the tools are pure gueses my point is that the game need some more options then just grinding and supporting friendly base by mining or cathering should be made rewarding and such tools may just fit in


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Re: A small list of ideas about items and perks
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2012, 11:19:11 pm »

hur dur chainsaw
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