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SAR1 Romanian AK-47 question[no trolls]
I've been looking for one like for ages but the prices start from like 500$ to 1000$ I mean wtf? For that much I can buy an SKS or something similar lol. So any of you know any gun store that ships to europe and also I'm interested in the gun laws, coz when I moved from Romania to Italy I had to go to the police to declare that I own the guns and that I want to move them to another country then translate them to the host country language and so on.... A few years ago I've seen them sold for like 270-350 now I don't know why the prices have gone so high.
i bought a romanian ak-47 it sucked it broke fast but idk might have just been the guy i bought it from i would go for the sks
Cheesey Dean:
Romanian AKs generally suck. Get an SKS or a Yugo AK.
If you want to buy arms, you may look elsewhere.
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