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Hub RPG - canceled

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Yep. That's what she said. Imagination is the way. Don't expect much from graphics made or based on this what has been done before 1997. "Give me a skin and I will show ya that I can do the role-play" is not good solution too. Just think about some roles, stop using "omg" "wtf" "lol" and turn on the imagination and feel the fallout spirit. If this is possible, I'd like to participate in this, however I'm afraid that this project won't last long if all of the participants would be action men. From same reason the Wasteland Wildlife Protectors turned itself from a RP-Project to the some kind of military faction which was not a goal.

I want the Hub to have some conflicts in the town but it won't be based on any big scale military
similar to what you see on northern towns, at least not on everyday basis. The most obvious
conflict will be police vs underground - anyone can try to break into properties of the citizens
but it won't be as easy because of real possibility of getting jailed. There will be a lot of places
to break in, buildings in hands of GMs will have some items spawned. People in the underground
would also get jobs from "crime boss" - unknown town figure controlled by the GM. The jobs
could be to assassinate someone, steal some object, guard some illegal trade etc. (but victims
would be chars controlled by GM, unless some player wanted to play such role). Of course people
in police would have opposite objectives besides normal duties like protecting citizens.
Protection from NPCs would be removed to absolute minimum. NPC guards will probably be replaced
with armed citizen NPCs and opportunity to get Hub citizenship for lawful people who visit the town
often, run some project in town etc.

The Hub RPG will probably (if devs will agree to put the necessary script on server) take place in
a copy of the town spawned on top of the original one. If you enter the copy you will get automatically
teleported to the original (non-rp) town, unless you opted-in. To opt-in you will have to talk to an NPC
in the non-rp Hub. You will be able to opt-out from the project anytime by talking to similar NPC
in the rp Hub. To opt-in you would need at least level 5.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on June 06, 2012, 08:47:37 pm ---I want the Hub to have some conflicts in the town but it won't be based on any big scale military
similar to what you see on northern towns, at least not on everyday basis. The most obvious
conflict will be police vs underground - anyone can try to break into properties of the citizens
but it won't be as easy because of real possibility of getting jailed. There will be a lot of places
to break in, buildings in hands of GMs will have some items spawned. People in the underground
would also get jobs from "crime boss" - unknown town figure controlled by the GM. The jobs
could be to assassinate someone, steal some object, guard some illegal trade etc. (but victims
would be chars controlled by GM, unless some player wanted to play such role). Of course people
in police would have opposite objectives besides normal duties like protecting citizens.
Protection from NPCs would be removed to absolute minimum. NPC guards will probably be replaced
with armed citizen NPCs and opportunity to get Hub citizenship for lawful people who visit the town
often, run some project in town etc.

The Hub RPG will probably (if devs will agree to put the necessary script on server) take place in
a copy of the town spawned on top of the original one. If you enter the copy you will get automatically
teleported to the original (non-rp) town, unless you opted-in. To opt-in you will have to talk to an NPC
in the non-rp Hub. You will be able to opt-out from the project anytime by talking to similar NPC
in the rp Hub. To opt-in you would need at least level 5.

--- End quote ---

uhm hope you dont mind me saying; better be carfull that your idea doesn't get out of hand in the dev department...well if you can arrange it im all for. but the devs seem so inactieve recently or maybe thats wrong?


--- Quote from: MRtrader on June 06, 2012, 10:33:02 pm ---uhm hope you dont mind me saying; better be carfull that your idea doesn't get out of hand in the dev department...well if you can arrange it im all for. but the devs seem so inactieve recently or maybe thats wrong?
--- End quote ---

It's not like devs aren't available at all, although for players it may seem a bit like that.
The script and dialogs for letting people in wouldn't require much of their attention,
I can make it all by myself and I still have plenty of time to test it with SDK and harass
them to put it on 2238 :P Without blocking 1-4 level chars it would be constant trollfest.
Idea with double Hub and opting-in is probably the best, so I hope devs would agree.
But it's not important in the moment, because project is still in relatively early concept.

hmmm it seems good i would of course want more pvp in this but meh not my choice. anyway if this really happens ( seems like its 50/50 chance that this project really happens) i will join the underground and do evil killings and be jailed every day  ;D.


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