Other > Off-topic discussions

The AWESOMEST thing just happened to me!!!

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Since you're the closest thing to an american redneck at the internet right now I must ask some questions...

1- Do you drink Bud Light?

2- How many guns do you own? (how many, I don't give a shit about wich guns)

3- Do you hate homosexuals?

4- Are you one of 'dem god-fearing american citizens?

5- What's your opinion on Obama?

6- Were you happy when they "caught' Osama?

7- Do you see drunk people in your neighborhood everyday?

8- Do you know anyone that appeared on COPS?

9- The only animals you give a fuck about it are your dogs, and only because they're useful for something?

10- Have you ever seen a black man near your neighborhood?

11- And of course... Have you ever engaged into sexual intercourse with one of your relatives (A.K.A. incest)?

These are not meant to insult anyone, I'm just curious.

Come into thread.

See redneck stuff.

Expect myself to become infuriated by said thread.

Feel pretty neutral.

Seems I've witnessed enough stupidity on the internet to be numb to it all.

I'm still laughing at "we hardly ever get the cops called on us"

Malice Song:

--- Quote from: Roachor on May 29, 2012, 08:33:11 pm ---I'm still laughing at "we hardly ever get the cops called on us"

--- End quote ---


Also I seriously hope this whole thread is a level. Kudos, if it is.


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