Author Topic: 3d models development  (Read 734636 times)

Offline Lexx

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1020 on: February 15, 2011, 06:19:56 pm »
Maybe this would be helpful:

My APA is wrong in many details. I wouldn't use it as reference for anything. If at all, the FNV APA can be used. Though, not even this one fits 1:1 with the original.

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1021 on: February 15, 2011, 06:23:10 pm »
I'm not too much into female tattoos but I would make skintones out from base texture when needed. Of course if there will be noone else who want to contribute his/her work :P I bet Pistacja would do it way better than me, lol.

Anyway: Progress is enormous. Love reading every post from you guys. About an APA - I like the "wider" version of helmet lower part (As it might be seen in sprites)

About new armors: Seeing something like this:

Would be lovely. You know - something like partially protecting metal armour with tribal marks and various things added to it. Armor made of junk and used/destroyed army equipment! Yes please! :3

This thing looks nice as well for light Enclave soldiers(Or just those without APA):

as a thing opossed to Combat Armor. Plus maybe some normal suits for Enclave operatives? You know, something like Galactic empire suits but with more falloutish '50s feel :P
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 06:39:58 pm by SmartCheetah »
Don't call me your brother
'cause I ain't your fucking brother.
We fell from different cunts,
and your skins an ugly color!

Offline Ztormi

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1022 on: February 15, 2011, 06:28:51 pm »
My APA is wrong in many details. I wouldn't use it as reference for anything. If at all, the FNV APA can be used. Though, not even this one fits 1:1 with the original.
I think the whole APA is a bit controversial. Talking head and game sprite doesn't seem to match at all and the overall design is weird in it's beautiful and fascinating way  :)

Offline Lexx

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1023 on: February 15, 2011, 06:31:36 pm »
The APA looks different on every available image. My guess is that it changes a lot during development.

Offline Gray

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1024 on: February 15, 2011, 07:14:14 pm »
Hello, I can send you the New Vegas APA model if you want, it is very good, and has pretty textures, I even tested it in game, a shame it is hi poly.
I never refuse any model. Even if I'll not manage to use it, it will be a part of my collection.
The APA looks different on every available image. My guess is that it changes a lot during development.
That's true. There are no two different images with equal APA on them.

UPD. Thanx to Karpov, now we have canonical helmet and high-quality texture for APA  ;D
I am on the homestraight.
P.S. Ztormi, according to FNV model, my helmet was incredibly close. But the original is better anyway.

Optimization in progress.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 08:44:24 pm by Gray »

Offline Pudzian_Koks

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1025 on: February 15, 2011, 08:51:30 pm »
Hello, I can send you the New Vegas APA model if you want, it is very good, and has pretty textures, I even tested it in game, a shame it is hi poly.

Ok here is the news: I tested the female model with one animation from the Male model, I just had to load the new skeleton and re-export in a new file, it seems to work quite good.

I also made some of the Club/Cattle prod animations. Here I try to fix my car with it:

PS: I would need a minigun model to create the animations, but I need it to have the handles on the right place, check the original sprite.

As always awesome work ;)

The helmet from NV is good choice for future APA. Good progress guys.
Nie ma opierdalania siÄ™! - Hardkorowy Koksu.

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1026 on: February 15, 2011, 09:39:26 pm »
Will the modells be available to the SDK to?

Offline Haraldx

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1027 on: February 15, 2011, 09:41:48 pm »
Karpov - awesome as always! Need the club I made? I can send it to ya.
Ztormi, Gray - Stop fighting! Work together, make a deal about something already! But don't fight about whose model is better! You both made great work, now try to put both of these models together, if needed add polygons. It's better to make a model with too many polyongs than being without a model. The optimization can be done later.

Harald (That's me) - Good work on making a small rad scorpion! It's WIP, but looks terrible, so who cares? pictures:
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.

Offline LagMaster

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1028 on: February 15, 2011, 10:20:02 pm »

Offline Karpov

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1029 on: February 15, 2011, 10:33:03 pm »
It is cute Harald!  ;D  Maybe you should take some reference from real Scorpions, there is not much difference. But, why bother doing critters anyway? I mean , would I have to create animations for them too? hahaha  ;)
  You can send me your club, I could wreck some more cars with that one, but I am more intersted in the minigun, I need something to create the animation, something the guy could hold on to.

Offline Ztormi

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1030 on: February 15, 2011, 10:47:18 pm »

Ztormi, Gray - Stop fighting! Work together, make a deal about something already! But don't fight about whose model is better!
We aren't fighting we are giving constructive criticism to each other. There's difference. Positive feedback sucks anyway.

UPD. Thanx to Karpov, now we have canonical helmet and high-quality texture for APA  ;D
I am on the homestraight.
P.S. Ztormi, according to FNV model, my helmet was incredibly close. But the original is better anyway.

Optimization in progress.

Besides, that helmet is so damn beautiful that I don't give a shit anymore. It was pain in the arse to model anyway without proper references.

P.S. Would love to see wireframe render when it's optimized  :)

P.P.S. Female version of leather armor on the way thanks to Karpov  :-*
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 10:52:37 pm by Ztormi »

Offline Karpov

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1031 on: February 15, 2011, 10:56:09 pm »
Is he actually optimizing that model? that sounds harder than rebuilding it  :-\  The mesh is really subdivided in the model, like if the model had been tessellated by the original artist to smoothen the edges.

Offline Ztormi

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1032 on: February 15, 2011, 11:17:41 pm »

Texture needs a few fixes like the straps on the back. Belt should be a bit higher too?

Also, I think subforum for models development would come in handy. This thread is very messy and getting out of hands imo  :P
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 11:44:02 pm by Ztormi »

Offline bikkebakke

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1033 on: February 15, 2011, 11:45:39 pm »
Does anybody have a .max file for an armour, I just want to open up and watch it, see if I can learn anything.

Texture needs a few fixes like the straps on the back. Belt should be a bit higher too?

Also, I think subforum for models development would come in handy. This thread is very messy and getting out of hands imo  :P
bumping up this to the new page.
Gussiplurr - active

Offline Lexx

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #1034 on: February 16, 2011, 12:32:15 am »
Keep in mind that the backside is open on female leather armor. Same (a little bit) with female metal armor.