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3d models development

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--- Quote from: Luther Blissett on April 17, 2012, 02:03:38 am ---...
--- End quote ---

Amazing. I'm really amazed, it looks incredible.

Luther Blissett:
The question is : "Can I combine this with the existing textures to get a very accurate, yet also easily adjustable* final texture which is completely compatible with our engine lighting and shadows?".

I think the answer is yes, but it might not be quick :) I really want to sit and work on this all day today, but I've got loads of "real work" to catch up on :(

*When I say easily adjustable, well - look at the higher res Vault 13 one. It's a mess, and there's no chance of repainting that into something else. The existing textures we've been using are very adjustable - so I want to combine the location, colour and some of the shading from the former onto the latter.

Questions - how would this go together with the Character window? Wouldn't it look rather silly?
If we do this with armor, how much impact would it make to the recognisability of variations of the armor?

Luther Blissett:
If we used them as is, it would look awful in the character screen and would be very difficult to adjust anything :)

Note that I'm not recommending we replace the textures with this. These are effectively just reference materials for me (and anyone else who wants them). I put them on the character model as a little "interested to see how it came out like", and they looked pretty good, so thought it was worth posting a few screenies. It sort of maps the original sprites to our UV map, so you can compare / edit / adjust in a 1:1 basis when adjusting or making new textures.

In the example texture above (the V13 one), you can see where the yellow bits should be, and can see where that very strong "line" under the chest is. The equivalent area in the engine is more smoothly shaded, so it needs a little "help" with a tiny bit of painted texture there. The colours used are pretty close, so I can "colour pick" the shade of blue and use that on the proper one, rather than going back and forth and guessing. They'll still need a little tweaking afterwards, but having that framework there should make things a little quicker for some of these. Once I've done a couple, it'd be pretty easy to adjust / edit any of them in exactly the same way as we already are.

#1 is the previous texture I had, #2 is the projection mapped sprite, #3 is an "in the process of being done" (definitely not finished) adjustment to #1, based on the positions and colours of #2.

It might all make a lot more sense when I finish the "adjusted proper version" of the tribal and bluesuit, which should hopefully a) Look close enough to matching the sprites to not annoy anyone,  b) work correctly with our engine shadows and shaders (i.e. cut out as much painted-on shadow as possible) and c) Look right from all angles.

Well it gave back a nice sprite like look, and probably will look close or almost exactly like the normal sprites this sure will be a good help for the detailed textures.


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